
Frau from Klipphausen with an amount of 80,000 euros

Frau from Klipphausen with an amount of 80,000 euros

Meissen District. A woman from Klipphausen has become a Love Scammer. Who the police in Dresden have in the meantime, the war that took place at the age of 56 in June 2023, is the Internet with an unrequited relationship. Dieserschlich ihr Vertrauen and ihre Zuneigung. “Be sure to look into it before you see it,” so the police. In de geschickter Art en Weise gab der Unbekannte alldings finanzielle Engpasse and und the Geschädigte so dazu, ihm more money to überweisen. A personal hit is no longer applicable, the Freitag has become skittish Anzeige because of the woman. You will receive damages of 80,000 euros.

Read more after that Anzeige

Read more later Anzeige

After the State Criminal Offices of Saxony, they were lost in their entirety, 368 vergleichbarer Fälle angezeigt. In the three quarters of the fall, it is first discovered that there is an answer, if the Täter were clean inheritance. The police suffered damage amounting to 4.6 million euros.

Diebe Stehlen Kleinwagen in Großenhain

Grossenhain. You can store a white Skoda Citigo in Großenhain am Freitagabend. The driver left the car at 21.25 hours and then welded the vehicle lock. Noticed the Diebstahl 25 Minuten später. The Wert des sechs Jahre alten Kleinwagens entered the Polizei and 8,200 Euro.