
Missio welcomes Frauenrechtlerinnen from Burkina Faso and Papua Neuguinea

Missio welcomes Frauenrechtlerinnen from Burkina Faso and Papua Neuguinea

The Catholic Hilfswerk Missio has two women’s rights for their own happiness with Genitaleverstümmelung and gegen Gewalt an Frauen geehrt. The winners of the Pauline-Jaricot-Preis are Sonntag and Rakieta Poyga from Burkina Faso and the Ordenswester Lorena Jenal from Papua Neu-Guinea, who attended Missio in Aachen. In the preparation of the mission Vize president Gregor von Fürstenberg, there is more talk of genital verstümmelung and hexenwahn in the whole world.

Clearance work

Rakieta Poyga gründete de Angaben nach in Burkina Faso 1998 met de Verein “Bangr-Nooma”, “Es gibt nichts besseres als Wissen”, en setzt sich seitdem voor de Verbesserung der Rechte und de Schutz von Frauen und Mädchen ein, wie is dat. Kein Mädchen will become more like beschnitten. The Mitglieder goes in the door and it clears. The head of business sees the consequences of affected women and women as an alternative to debt protection, there is a mission.

Poyga was born into a Muslim family and tainted Christian debts. She is absolutely a study of the Wirtschaftswissenschaften in the GDR and in West Berlin and in 1994 after Burkina Faso zurück, where she is in the Ruhestand in the year 2020 the Buchhaltung der GIZ, the German Society for international Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. If the problem still occurs, the life-long faith, it has noticed, it is itself a kind of beschnitten wurde, this is it. Poyga dem Christentum has been Zugetan since 2008.

I am Hochland from Papua-Neuguinea

The civilized Schweizeress Lorena Jenal has ended the Auszeichnung für ihr Lebenswerk. Jenal spent several years in Papua-Neuguinea and the Ordensgemeinschaft der Baldegger Schwestern. With the new mission of the Franziskanerin Jenal for his work in the Hochland of Papua-Neuguinea, this is es.

Dazu will, in his involvement as leader of the family postolats in the diözese mendi, his einsatz for Frauen in one of the higher rolled companies, his vermittlung in blutigen other clans in Hochland, where both Seiten and the Straßen auflas and zum Arzt brought and ihr De engagement takes place in Papua-Neuguinea since years Hexenwahn. Schwester Lorena regretted another person who had a Hexenprozesses, who would suffer in a normal life after a traumatic experience.

The “Hexentelefon” was destroyed by Hilfe when a woman of the Hexerei became guilty, reported Missio Vizepräsident Gregor von Fürstenberg. In the Frauenschutzzentrum “House of Hope” (Haus der Hoffnung) the women who have suffered their trauma can find themselves in a normal normal situation.

Ehrung for Frauen

With dem Preis remembers Missio and Pauline Jaricot (1799-1862). They are gilded as an idea for the foundation of a Sammel- und Missionsvereinigung in Lyon. When the Gründung Missios was born in 1832 in Aachen by Heinrich Hahn in the idea of ​​Pauline Jaricot, hieß es.

Review of the Seligsprechung Jaricots on May 22, 2022 in Lyon Missio first announced the official price. With the prize, women in Africa, Asia or Oceania were exterminated, who from the Haltung der Nächstenliebe took new paths, another zu unterstützen and zu fördern. The prize is 5,000 euros.