
Schlafen am Arbeitsplatz? Expert in the field of the home office and the revolutionary Powernap

Schlafen am Arbeitsplatz? Expert in the field of the home office and the revolutionary Powernap

Before everyone knows the knowledge: Spätestens um de Mittagszeit fährt de Stimmung runter, de Augen sind schwer und de Konzentration nimmt ab. Everything in the kitchen is in Ruhe mode. Those people are then at work at a certain moment – ​​and a focused idea that has one of the few effects on the kitchen.

“Der kleine Mittagsschlaf heißt im Englischen nicht umsonst Powernap”, explains the Gesundheitswissenschaftlerin Maria Schumann in t3n-Gespräch. “Um the desired experience is worth it, so that your child will not last longer than 20 minutes,” it is worth it.

Power nap: perfect beds in the home office

The home office is the ideal place for a Powernap. (Photo: Shutterstock)

The expert who is the best when it comes to the schlafende in the Traum-beziehungsweise REM-Schlaf or other Tief-beziehungsweise Non-REM-Schlaf leiten. Then it would always be nice, if it is good and everything else fits and is good in it.

If you are taking a Power Nap, it is best to use it or find the following statistics. “Andernfalls stören die Gefahr, den Nachtschlaf zu stören,” says Maria Schumann. Schlaf, so it was noticed that it is a Wissenschaft für sich. Gesunder Schlaf braucht eenige Grundvoraussetzungen. And: Not sollte Mittagsschlaf halten!

“I am a home office and the possibilities for a Powernap ideal.”

“People with schlafstörungen make a profit with Powernap. With the Schläfchen am Tag construction wir the sogenannten Schlafdruck ab“, explains Maria Schumann. “Einsowie Durchschlafstörungen were thus made.” Everyone else could make a profit.

Gerade Menschen, who works in the home office, is ready to integrate. “I am a home office as the ideal solution for a Powernap,” so the Gesundheitswissenschaftlerin. “Während bislang nur wenige Unternehmen Ruheräume für Mitarbeiters, weld die in die eigenen four Wänden themselves.”

Das Zuhause has demnach velde Vorteile: “Here we weld the Fenster etwas abdunkeln, beruhigende Klänge anmachen oder was our sonst nor dabei hilft, schnell zur Ruhe zu kommen und einzuschlafen”, so the Expertin in t3n-Gespräch. “And if you are no longer happy, it is no longer possible: the home office is one, a gang of runterzuchalten!”

Once in the Traum and Tiefschlaf phases, after 20 minutes the Wecker adjusts itself properly, refuels lightly and drinks a glass of water. Danach ascends the Leistung and.

Erholsamer Powernap: Everything in Maßen!

A study from the University of California has done an interesting research: the benefits after taking Powernaps in your next search have never been better. Insgesamt 3,000 Probandinnen and Probanden can enjoy the Mittagsschlaf-begleitet for years to come.

Whoever reads the science, has the risk of illness and disease due to the health insurance, both of them who have had a second meal with a power nap. For others it is the case that the higher mittags schliefen, ließ der Gesundungseffekt nach.

A study from Guangzhou Medical University has been given a brief description: the question is whether the star is in German, it lasts more than 20 minutes. Before the Untersuchung, 300,000 people would have received a Zeitraum from a Monate with Mittagsschlaf.

Während both Datenlagen a clear Trend recognize lies, erase those Forschenden jedoch noch nicht, where regularly long Schlafpausen am Tag derart negative Following are. It is a matter of doing, who lives in life: Everything in time and everything in Maßen – so with the powernap.

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