
McDonald’s: Can bereten Filiale – sie verstehen die Welt nicht more

McDonald’s: Can bereten Filiale – sie verstehen die Welt nicht more

Die Kunden can no longer glaze, but this new branch at McDonald’s is a new place. The concept feels bare with its own change of nose.

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In the city of Linz in Österreich, the first McDonald’s branches with the new ‘Human Comfort’ design have become bare. McDonald’s Speaker Jessica Schreckenfuchs-Vallant described the new design as a whole with “modern, minimalist, functional and geometric”.

McDonald’s: Privatsphäre und Gefühl von Geborgenheit

It is a new design that is now displayed more optically, with the message “tz”. Das Design is the guest of McDonald’s who has a sense of security and his own living environment. So when other people in the family are that old, the stay is in a private atmosphere in a private house and in the Ruhe in the Mahlzeit world.

If the aesthetics of the McDonald’s branch are no longer optimized, people will also start using the Abläufe in the kitchen. So some other products are focused on a product worth buying. There is a new branch after the development of optimal standards in Germany, where a major modernization has taken place.

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At the moment that the new McDonald’s branch is not yet in Bau, the project has a major problem. With the message ‘tz’, a call from Linz has started a petition, one of the branches on a ground of cancellation. We were proud of the construction and starting from the new restaurant starting from 10. December 2024.

The future of the new concept is unclear

The new “Human Comfort” design was purchased by the new McDonald’s branch 50 new Arbeitsplätze. When the service fighters are hit by the underworld, the man in the new family is challenged.

More themes:

Bisher isn’t clear, but the “Human Comfort” design and other McDonald’s branches have ended. On the next page, Jessica Schreckenfuchs-Vallant says: “In welchen Restaurants das Design it still cannot be the case that they are the leader of no community.” If man is bald in Germany on the new concept can be freuen, bleibt abzuwarten.