
“Promi Big Brother” 2024 – Tag 10: This is the new Container Chef

“Promi Big Brother” 2024 – Tag 10: This is the new Container Chef

Im Container vom large Bruder ist ever fell loose. Deshalb is an anführer or an anführerin, a loaded sister, unerlässlich. Erfahre here, active as a Container Chef: in das Zepter swingt.

Heiße Küsse, Escort Girls and Strip Club at “Promi Big Brother” 2024

Das Wichtigste in Kürze

+++ Update, October 14, 2024 +++

Cecilia: First shot, then Container Chef

Was a bigger tag for Cecilia! The country is under the sieges of Elena in the Arena on the “Geschützt” list. After the Live Show, most of the time is still a target for the model: The Zuschauer: They are in the Joyn App with a new container chef gewählt.

Rund um die Uhr in Container dabei

+++ Update, October 12, 2024 +++

Mimi is one of the Reihe

It was a tag for Mimi Fiedler: The first time he was on the rankings with a high ranking and then also had the Container-Zepter of the Zuschauern-reicht. Mimi is that Chef!

+++ Update, 11. October 2024 +++

Max hat nun das Sagen in Container

The Zuschauer:innen konnten sich zwischen den Bewohner:innen separated, die bisher noch nicht das Amt des oder der Containerchef:in innehatten. Die meisten beimm Voting bekam Max Kruse!

+++ Update, October 10, 2024 +++

Sarah: First nominated, then Containerchefin

Wechselbad der Gefühle für Wildcard-Gewinnerin Sarah Wagner. The end of the Live Show would be von Verena and Jochen for the first nominee Auszug. The Zuschauer: the scheinen are better with the TikTok-Star of meinen. Watch Sarah in the Joyn app for the new Containerchefin.

+++ Update, 9. October 2024 +++

Elena followed her ex-boyfriend

It seems that everyone has a kraft paper in their employees, that’s what he said: Elena Miras worked as a nachfolgerin her ex-boyfriends Mike Heiter with a new container chef.

+++ Update, October 8, 2024 +++

Mike übernimmt van de seiser Freundin Leyla

As a Container Chef, Leyla managed the entire job. At the end of his life, Mike tries his best to get an organized kitchen budget. Dennoch must post his post if there is a Tag wieder abgeben. There will be no more war. It seems that the Zuschauer: within the Abstimmung per Joyn App has started, that Mike has followed his next steps.

+++ Update, 7. October 2024 +++

Leyla follows the container manager Matze

Tag 3 in a container made bigger by Leyla, a victor, on the fact that she has an overview: With Elena Miras, the ex-boyfriend of the partner Mike Heiter is employed. So Mike and Leyla respond to their new Mitbewohnerin with a reassuring look. A light glance goes for the Reality Star and that Abend aber dennoch: Leyla has the post of the container chef. If the 28th anniversary of the Sagas happened in the container. Ob sich Elena Miras nun warm anziehen muss?!

+++ Ursprüngliche Notification +++

Chef posts are determined: Free will!

Gerade about whether the container was found in the container is Big Brother the Bewohner: from “Promi Big Brother” 2024 to the next “C-Promi” with its own Reihen zu bestimmen: Gilded, the first or the first Container Chef: in your bestim. Would the cabin suit a personal outfit in the right way in the personal pastel color? With the basic cap on the head of the container, it seems like a promise for this responsible approach.

“Ich mach’s”: Matze Höhn is the first Container Chef

Lila van Kopf was the first to create the container chef of “Promi Big Brother” 2024, is no longer available: Matthias “Matze” lays the foundation for a private base cap and is immediately finished with the lilafarbenen hat. Then at 8:30 PM Big Brother the Bewohner: an order is placed, the next container chef: in his wählen, the separation takes place in a few minutes. Vorgeschlagen will first appear in Alida, but then the residents will be able to eat their matzo. On the Nachfrage of Big Brother, see the Wahl-annehmen, the best of the 28-year-old Reality-Darsteller and Content Creator self-thought: “Yes, I can do it.”

Essen, Nachtwache, Abwasch: Die ersten Aufgaben sind zu teleilen

When Big Brother Matze no longer goes, when he does new things, and dictates that he is the first time: the Essen is empty and the dish is ready for everyone. The problem is that the first ration is rich for three days, until Montagabend (October 7). What was the importance of the next day? A nice glass full of Haferflocken. Das Wort “Haferschleim” is powerful enough for the Runde. If you clean up first, you won’t be able to bring it to Waage. Let the promises know that they help and shed like the first shells full – above all, the essence of wool. Vier Bewohner: inside view of his first Abendbrot: Max Kruse will have his Ration für den nächsten Tag aufsparen, Daniel Lopes hat noch “keinen Hunger”, auch Alida Kurras will not essen, and Jochen Horst hofft, seine Portion später gegen Zigaretten eintauschen zu können . Bleibt Big Brother nur, “Guten Hunger” is a miracle. And when the freshly dressed Container Chef said again: “And the Topf is now running. Not, if I say the Chef will, without any further discussions.” Matzes Powerwort is activated by Murren.

Leyla swings the Kochlöffel

Nachdem Leyla Lahouar and Mike Heiter were engaged in changing from the bench to the bench and sat on a perfect pair, which is a pair of Tagen Trennung that is ultimately worth it, states sich Leyla willingly and the herd, as a “haferschleim ” -cook. If you are still not aware of the new portions of the Abendbrot’s interesting offering, it was a major expansion that Big Brother delivered with the following warming up for a mat: The container chef has occupied the night.

Selbst die Nachtschichten since desired

Your two people are happy during the night during the afternoon and during the afternoon. It is a notification of volunteers for the job and so the Schichten are settled: Jochen and Alida use the Anfang, and help Mimi Fiedler and Max Kruse. These dishes are no problem: Cecilia Asoro and Sinan Movez are offended by the Abwechslung and the usefulness of the house for a first intensive treatment. An ereignis- en Arbeitsreicher Auftakt-Tag in the container is not so good.

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