
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Noch free Betten zu Herbstferien in MV

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Noch free Betten zu Herbstferien in MV

Noch freie Betten zu Herbstferien in MV

In your own Bundesländern you can enjoy the Herbstferien vor der Tür. Der Tourismus in MV hofft auf velde Gäste. A city in the Northeast has undergone its own ‘Hype’ development.

Schwerin (dpa/mv) – The tourism industry in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is looking forward to visiting guests during their holidays. “Wir since it is clear, it is important to have a great experience in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern nor a free Quartiere,” said Lars Schwarz, Chairman of the Deutschen Hotel- und Gaststättenverbandes (Dehoga) in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

With a good Wetterlage there is a cold period. Guests would be happy to stay safe again, stay safe. There is no free capitalization in fast all segments. Once you’re clear, you can keep an eye on the herbal nights. Especially when you have a home with wellness facilities.

Dehoga: Schwerin roads Weltkulturerbes sehr gefragt

This is one of the ways in which a Schwerin has developed a “hype” through world culture. The Residenzensemble Schwerin – the crowning glory of the castle – is the end of UNESCO’s world culture.

The chef of the Landestourismusverbandes, Tobias Woitendorf, is called ebenfalls at Gäste im Herbst. “It is not that we started in a year and perhaps saw a signal once in the tourism sector, that we started in the spice market, the end of the years is a positive bilanz that you can see.” An industry investment has taken place, it is “some of the time there would be a host gang”.

Lights Plus at Übernachtungszahlen

Tourism in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is in Wachstumskurs after an investigation by the East German Sparkassenverbanden (OSV). The Zwischenbilanz für het Zeitraum January to July 2024 said a light Anstieg der Übernachtungszahlen in gewerblichen Betrieben gegenüber dem Vergleichszeitraum 2023 um 1.8 Prozent auf 18.5 Millionen.

Allerdings are the industry for the German herausforderungen, and in gastronomy the stimmung eher is dimmed as maximum. Laut dem Tourismusbarometer MV lies die Schnittliche Zimmerrate in Nordosten derzeit bei 143 Euro per Night – an Anstieg um 3.6 Prozent in Vergleich in 2023.