
Sozialdemokraten bei Parlamentswahl in Lithuania by dpa-AFX

Sozialdemokraten bei Parlamentswahl in Lithuania by dpa-AFX

VILNIUS (dpa-AFX) – The German NATO partner country Lithuania has welcomed its citizens to a new parliament. After the first Wahlrunde, the social democracies lie after the Auszählung of rapid 70 Prozent der Wahlbezirke, wie de Wahlkommission in Vilnius am Sonntagabend miteilte.

Social democracy, the opposition party, erhielten rund 23 Prozent der Stimmen in dem baltische EU- und Nato-Land. Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte’s conservative Vaterlandsunion got into trouble with 13 people. It seems that the early years of the populist party have been successfully turned 18 prozent tomorrow by Nemunas.

Because the political circles were so popular, while the Wahl had existed for a long time, the fear of going further in parliament could be abolished – no longer being either of the two coalition partners of the Vaterlandsunion. The complete endergebnis will be performed on the Montag. At 52.1 percent, the Wahlbeteiligung was higher than the Wahl for four years.

Comes with the Regierungswechsel?

If the rest of the device no longer comes out of the refrigerator, things have not changed. The first erggebnisse is the best of the Umfragen for the Wahl, which is one of the most influential regimes in the Baltic Sea state behind the Russian Exklave Kaliningrad and Moscow Kriegsverbündeten in Belarus.

The Abstimmung am Sonntag war of the first of two Wahlgängen: The Wähler is brought to the Verhältniswahlrecht in 70 session in parliament. Secondly, this would be a 71 Direktmandate in der Volksvertretung Seimas abstimmen.

Exponierte Lage en NATO-Ostflank

A Regierungswechsel works in Lithuania for all domestic and social political interests. The foreign and security policy audacity of the Baltic State will become clearer across the EU and NATO lines and a blessing-entschlossenen Unterstützung der Ukraine will be achieved.

Due to the low position of NATO’s eastern flank in the geopolitical confrontation with Russia, Lithuania is outside the exponential and perceived Moscow Angriffskrieg that has brought Ukraine as a direct leader for its own Security. Germany will disband a military preparedness brigade with its 5,000 Bundeswehr soldiers stationed in Lithuania.