
Vertico is purchasing 41 3D printers for concrete construction

Vertico is purchasing 41 3D printers for concrete construction

3D DruckerTechniker has created a Vertico 3D printer for concrete construction with the printing processes.

The Dutch Unternehmen Vertico hat weltweit 41 3D-Drucker für large-form concrete construction projects is available. Neben der Bereitstellung von Druckern gives Vertico auch Dienstleistungen zur Unterstützung bei der Realisatie von Bauprojekten and zur Optimierung des Materialeinsatzes.

  1. Vertico has a wide range of 41 large format 3D printers for concrete construction.
  2. The 3D printer takes place in über 20 states in Einsatz.
  3. Vertico offers a comprehensive solution from planning to implementation.
  4. The company’s components optimize the structure, reducing material consumption.
  5. Vertico is shown as another project in the 3D concrete printing.


The Dutch Unternehmen Vertico reports the purchase of 41 3D printers for the Construction of Betonstrukturen weltweit. With more than 40 installations in more than 20 states, it is possible to provide large format Concrete 3D Printing settings and the ability to carry out 3D printing solutions for the construction industry. Vertico setzt dabei auf maßgeschneiderte Drucksysteme, die unterschiedliche Anforderungen, wie de Einsatz von beschleunigten Misbruikten am Druckkopf, operation können.

Maßgeschneiderte 3D Printing Solutions voor de Bau

Techniker has created a Vertico 3D printer for concrete construction with the printing processes.
A technician monitors the printing process with a Vertico 3D printer, for the large formative concrete structure construction (image © Vertico).

The 3D printer from Vertico is flexible and praises Herstellung van Betonstrukturen. The complete transfer of printing configurations and knitting palette and services with 3D design, construction calculation, programming and transport allow you to realize the spectrum of the idea with a design of a project. When the vertical angle presents itself, the first construction projects are one of the woolliest projects, such as in architecture or construction.

If you carry out the processing of Vertico, the material is reduced in size due to the optimized structure. A control system is a 3D printed concrete bridge, which contains the material that displaces 60% and significantly reduces CO2 emissions, while promoting its structural integration.

Research and Entwicklung as a basis for innovation

If you use kommerziellen, work with Vertico in project projects. These are the elements with pressure, compressive bases Kuppeln, sculptures of facades and sogar Betonkanus. In Zusammenarbeit with MAI International the external pump system can create a pump, a printing process that you can improve and optimize.

CEO Volker Ruitinga is responsible for the construction of new machines, such as innovative designs and construction projects, his own 3D printing project to realize or the printing projects for production. Use Vertico on the road for 3D printing in the construction industry and additive manufacturing to save material and costs.

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