
Large Metapher, smaller Junge –

Large Metapher, smaller Junge –

Two Premieres at the Stuttgart Show and at the Theater Rampe ebendort sich Männern von stern: “The Erziehung of Rudolf Steiner” and “Old Man (Look at My Life)”

Von Björn Hayer

Who fell berühmte Denker lost auch the Reformpädagoge Rudolf Steiner (1861 to 1925) seine Unschuld. Rassist und deutschnational analysing des Scriptures für Educators: Le Moderne Zeit de Schattenseiten und Intellectual, die Philosophie die eigentlich in de Freiheit nahm. The theater is a critical look at those things that are such an auratic beginning of Waldorf studies and anthroposophy in the yard, but it will fade a bit. In the Uraufführung “Die Erziehung des Rudolf Steiner” in Schauspiel Stuttgart, people started experimenting more experimentally with the brilliant Grundideen of the Reformers. If you want to hide this, hide the hint of the material you need and damn what’s happening in the world.

We can know some other theosophical theory of science – from Platon’s Höhlengleichnis with his Fichtes und Schopenhauer’s radicalem Subjektansatz – we know: A full des Daseins are all new, the Oberfläche during the urgenten Sehens. The Regiekollektiv Dead Center has a fascinating effect. I am Vordergrund, the profane Raum, steht ein Junge (Flinn Naunheim). A wide variety of other reflections are story and fantasy, play and reality, where a transparent mirror shows different types of imagination. So we would Szenen aus dem Leben seiner Eltern gewahr, meet zwischen Aus- und Abblenden auf Nietzsche, a kräutersammler and other für Rudolf Steiner pregen Figures.

Masters of a special trick technique can use the childish figure in the foreground to enhance the background. If this permanent double counting is a geisteratmosfäre, geschaffen en dirigiert of a kind, the disillusionment is that there is a Vorstellungsvermögen hat.

We live together and enjoy the power of fantasy. But damn it, no pleasure! This cut isn’t as fun as a big metapher in the theater itself. You are more of the youngster, while Möbel comes more to the Parkett, the später on the Leinwand during the Luftschweben. Whoever manifests in an investigation is an inner cosmos in the air, magical and hellish.

If someone plays in the metaphysical sphere in the Schauspiel Stuttgart, the Theater Rampe will experience a few kilometers of entfernt with the profane Gegenwart. Genauer: With a Ziemlich celebration, it is the time when the world is in the world, like the “alten, white Mann”. Zwischen livespielten Country songs presented by Lina Syren and Andreas Vogel Texte zu dieser Klischeefigur. While the point is that the AfD or the world is no longer popular, E-cars are considered a tool of power, because they express their opinions and women from the beer world are found.

Functional Anglerwest

No German experience in applying a technical understanding of the Steinzeitalter slide forms can be carried out in the mode. Sollen floral fabrics on the cutting of Frauenkörpern de Welt verschönern, the presentation of the clothing of Ü60-herren nur der functional nature. Mehrzweck and fishing west with all kinds of tasks for working sows are near the corks. It is practical to have an inappropriate color. With my Tarnung I go one step further to the Hobbykeller, where the Modelleisenbahn waits for the feschen Lokführer.

Ode to the Power of Fantasy? Samuel Santangelo as a child of Anthroposoph in the Ensembles of “The Experience of Rudolf Steiner” at the Stuttgart Theater Photo: Thomas Aurin

When these von Aliki Schäfer, Andreas Vogel and Max Braun arranged a performance for rich humor and uncomplicated humour, they came to know more about these well-balanced Karikatur hinaus. Ledigliche video interviews, in which men interview, watch and follow their biographies and their postcards, are ambivalent to both. How to solve your problems when contacting women or other people who have problems with the party of the green.

If you find one of the things that the patriarchal form observation is irrendwann der Geschichte angehören. Anyway, men! So the justified appeal dieses aus dokumentarischen, fictional and essayistic texts side by side. Now we live in the theater? Sein Sog and Seine Wucht? If we see more dynamics, how the Schauspiel Stuttgart feels with the announcement and the spiritual high Steiners, it will be good to get “Old Man (Look at My Life)”.

Gemein has distributed neither so unannounced, but they are jewels with a trauma of another Dasein. At once, when a company is so active and throws a party, the Aussicht on the sale of a product is displayed and changed. It’s free. And it’s no longer near the Bühne.