
Kaufmann’s new Leben to Olympia

Kaufmann’s new Leben to Olympia

18 Jahre is Annett Kaufmann first alto, aber trotzdem can be at a moment like this: You are going to play a Leben for the Olympic Games and it is a completely different dance. For Olympia, the greatest German talent was now the insider sport in a company.

Seit Paris aber, says: “I have 35,000 followers on my Instagram account.” This is the “Angebote für Management und Sponsoring, für Fernsehauftritte and für Podcasts erreicht. En jede Menge Sachen more”.

In memory: At the age of 18, Kaufmann led a grim German team at the Summer Games in France’s Hauptstadt to the half-finals. Before the Fernsehkamer is rewarded with the bronze medal in the winning Teamkollegin Yuan Wan. It is known that in Germany there is a higher proportion of openness. “Manche sagen: die nächste Boll”, wrote Zeit Online.

Kaufmann: Ein Jahr “in the tunnel”

A diesem Dienstag starting in Linz the Tischtennis-Europameisterschaften. It is the first big Turnier, and the Kaufmann no longer expected to be in the Start world. But in the German context is a man in itself: If you have the nice coolness and clarity, you will be clear – then that’s it.

Denn für Kaufmann is a great herausforderung for a year. The most important Termine were in Zeitraffer: Team-Weltmeisterschaft in South Korea. Abitur-Prüfungen in Bietigheim-Bissingen. Neuer Bundesliga Club in Kolbermoor. Olympic Games in Paris. Jetzt die Individual-EM. And dazwischen nor WTT-Turniere in Qatar, Tunisia and China.

“I was in a tunnel,” says Kaufmann. Aber bislang went auch alles gut: Ihr Abitur file sie mit der Note 2.0. At Olympia she plays “at Weltklasse-Niveau” (Federal trainer Tamara Boros). The EM said that the “Win-Win situation: if Ergebnis is right, free,” says Kaufmann. “Falls nicht, habe ich trotzdem etwas gelernt.”

Kaufmann comes from a sports family

Ganz is divorced from this Haltung: Kaufmann comes from a sportsman family. His father is the frühere Eishockey-Profi Andrej Kaufmann, another for the Grizzlies Wolfsburg and the Schwenninger Wild Wings game. My Mutter Anna Kaufmann started in the Alpine Ski World Cup for Kasakhstan. Mr. Schwester Alexandra spends his year as the trainer of the German Tischtennis-Bundes.

This is the case: Annett Kaufmann no longer employs talent or talent for his sport. After Hilfe became a man, he was the best power. “Who was a man with verletzungen? Was a man of regeneration? Who was a man with a nervousness? Meine Eltern können mir aus ihrer Erfahrung sehr fell halves,” he said.

While the Grund absorbs all the togetherness, Kaufmann’s Management will work in recent years at Olympia alone in the hands of the family, who say: “We are willing and able to survive.”

First EM ohne Tischennis superstar Timo Boll

The current situation in German Tischtennis before EM in Linz is as follows: The men will be the first to compete with the record Europameister Timo Boll an. And the words of Topspieler Dimitrij Ovtcharov (36), Patrick Franziska (32) and Dang Qiu (27) are all years ago.

Ausnahmetalente under 20 gibt is in Deutschland aktuell nur bei den Frauen. Kaufmann won the U19-EM at 15 years old. 14-year-old Josephina Neumann played in the Bundesliga 12 years ago.

German sports director Richard Prause played during this Entwicklung. The most important word is for sure: Patience. “Am Anfang hatte man ein bisschen das Gefühl, dass die Gegnerinnen thought: Wer ist eigentlich diese Annett Kaufmann?”, said one in Paris. “Jetzt became more aware of those other nations with their civilizations.”