
Kurios! The Nigerian national team has moved to the airport

Kurios! The Nigerian national team has moved to the airport

Kuriose Geschehnisse in Libyan! With tweets from Nigerian Nationalspielern, Darunter Leverkusen’s Victor Boniface, hervorgeht, his team colleagues are among his great performances at a wonderful Flughafen in Libyen fest.

The “Super Eagles” cross the 200 kilometers from Spielort in Bengasi, while the Africa Cup qualifier Libya is found with the service statistics, and I am led to Flughafen La Abraq.

“We were more than happy to visit the airports in Libya. We were able to enjoy the Tower of the Gates and our own Telephone connections, Essen and Trinken zurückgelassen. Everything now, with Psychospielchen zu play”, says Kapitän William Troost-Ekong, in the photo of the game at “X” part.

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The Flugzeug is now no longer available and the Nigerian Auswahl on the Road in the Heimat Machen – the service of the old game became a boy.

“We are no longer involved in the car industry, but the personal security is not so bad. We can no longer do any frosting now, if the hotel or the hotel in Essen is out of service, if we will continue our journey,” said Troost-Ekong.

Afrikas Fußballer des Jahres 1997, Victor Ikpeba, permeates the Ausschluss Libyens with the international Fußball. “It is a high-ranking country, and the people are so wirklich, that the Libyan game goes to the east of the country,” says the AFP. Man sei wie “Geiseln in eeninem welsenen Flughafen eeningesperrt” been.

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