
1. FC Köln boss? This Hurden should take Lukas Podolski | Sport

1. FC Köln boss? This Hurden should take Lukas Podolski | Sport

Cologne and Poldi.

In the Kommenden Monaten it is a common Zukunft, the Einstieg of Lukas Podolski (39) at FC – perhaps as president and successor of Werner Wolf (68) or as Vize in a new or bisherigen Vorstand. Do you want to hang everything up at the end?

Cologne boss Poldi. BILD says that the people of the Weltmeister and the divorces meet each other.

Das Karriere-Ende

Grundvorausetzung for a Top Job at FC. Poldi muss zuerst seine sportliche Laufbahn legs. Signal Profi-Vertrag bei Gornik Zabrze (Poland) available. Und Poldi said: “Stand jetzt ist thenn Schluss.” There is more difficulty with a hint-offen. If you’re more into the kitchen, this is another professional thinking bar.

That Job dimension

Everything is conceivable for Marken-Botschafter bis Big-Boss. Letztlich moss Poldi für sich separated, who often Verantwortung is a smart company and who said it invests wants, it has been a long time since the Geschäftsmann went through and eingespannt.

That Team Wahl

Boss Wolf hat concrete Poldi-Pläne. Podolski weiß aber, dass Wolf no longer has any FC options. Kölns Fan-Liebling gilded veldmehr as highest Action for all Wirtschafts-Bosse or Stadt-Größen, who den Wolf-Vorstand 2025 gern ablösen woolen. First Anfragen hatte Poldi schon. Jetzt muss is separated, but if you have a Rückkehr, then it is worth choosing a Bosse set or a person from Neustart.

Die Gremien-Hürde

When it comes to his Wahrheit: Will Poldi focuses on the high FC-Ebene-insteigen, or Wolf in the new Vize-insets, the Kölns Kult-Kicker on the Mitgliederrat-überzeugen. There is no new Gremium (12 months) in 2025, a Vorstands-Team came to Wahl, which also opened the Wort season.

Ex-Federal coach Jogi Löw (64) is of Poldis FC-Zukunft überzeugt, said at the Randes des Abschieds-Spiels: “So a personal braucht of your Association. Fun things can happen and be motivated. Provided that security is good, that will be present in Cologne in the future.”

Tore, Jubilation, EcstasyDer hocheemotionale Poldi-Abschied in video

Lukas Podolski's Abschiedsspiel: Poldi verzaubert Cologne ein letztes Mal

Quelle: ProSieben / @ransport