
Consciousness in Nightlife: Feiern? Aber sicher!

Consciousness in Nightlife: Feiern? Aber sicher!

Who can overwhelm and promise people in clubs, bars and concerts? A Konferenz in Hamburg said, who is big and how the theme works.

This is an experimental tool. The resulting result may be imperfect, or it may be false.

In pop culture, tanzflächen such as Orte der Solidarität and Heilung, but active messages about gewalt and discrimination in the nocturnal wharf of Zweifel auf. Beim ersten Faschaustausch über Awareness im Nachtleben in Hamburg discutierten 120 Teilnehmer aus verschiedenen Stadt, wie Clubs sicherer für all were könn. Awareness teams are involved in the approach and reorganization, which participates in some of the definition power. The fragment, which is gaining awareness, can end up in the Raum, while funding for awareness teams often continues.

Consciousness in the Night: A Grundannahme der Bewustzijns-Bewegung is, the Gesellschaft von Sexismus, Rassismus und Homophobie is pervaded, while Gewalt produces against Frauen, queere Personen und Minderheitengruppen.
A Grundannahme der Bewustzijns-Bewegung is the Society of Sexismus, Rassismus and Homophobie pervaded, while Gewalt gegen Frauen, queere Personen and Minderheitengruppen produces.
© Michael Discenza/​

In pop culture mythology, the Tanzflächen is Orte der Solidarität en Heilung. Song title who We are family Oder Last night a DJ saved my life it has become that the music has become, and in the text the most disco, house and techno zen is the greatest man who has experienced a utopian moment of the dance floors: we are in the warm darkness of the clubs that live together and tanzen, een jeder op de kunst, aber alle zum Selben Beat, then you will find nothing of a Heimat, the draußen, in the light of the Alltags, your Außenseitern, your Fremden and your Opfern are empowered.