
Entdecken Sie die schönsten Ecken der België Stadt

Entdecken Sie die schönsten Ecken der België Stadt

brug is one of the best places in European city. Bekannt as the “Venedig des Nordens” for a unique canal, the Bruges-Malerian Splendor through a medium-term wahrzeichen strengthened, which strengthened signals romantic, marchenhaften Reiz. The historic core of the bridge is part of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage and can be enjoyed together with the delicious chocolate and the most expensive golden beer in Ihnen.

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Bridge: Entdecken Sie die schönsten Ecken der België Stadt

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Bridge: Entdecken Sie die schönsten Ecken der België Stadt

Bridge is one of the best places in European city. Bekannt as the “Venedig des Nordens” for a unique canal, the Bruges-Malerian Splendor through a medium-term wahrzeichen strengthened, which strengthened signals romantic, marchenhaften Reiz. The historic core of the bridge is part of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage and can be enjoyed together with the delicious chocolate and the most expensive golden beer in Ihnen.

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In Bruges, orient yourself on the market, on the other Herz der Stadt. Here you can find a coffee genius, before you have learned the maleric “Venedig des Nordens”.

Bell tower

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Bell tower

The famous Glockenturm Belgiens, the Belfry of Bruges, is the watchword of Brugges historical core. A striking view of the tower is 83 m high and there are 366 schmalte Stufen erklimmen, a fantastic experience on the Spitze.


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The Skyline of Bridge with the imposing 112 m high Turm der Liebfrauenkirche (Church of Our Lady) dominates the highest elevations in Belgium.

Jungfrau and Child

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Jungfrau and Child

The unworked Schätzen der Kirche was created by Michelangelo’s 1504 sculpture “Madonna with Child” from white marble. Zu Lebzeiten Michelangelo’s war, the Madonna, the only sculpture that was revived by Italy.

City Hall

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City Hall

The Rathaus von Brügge, or Town Hall, is one of the oldest in Belgium. The building built in 1420 is intended for a beautiful and imaginative Gothic facade, which is crowned by the Hexenhuttürmchen.

Gothic Halle

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Gothic Halle

The interior of the town halls is very prestigious. The beautiful Gothic Hall (Gothic Hall) shines with beautiful Holzgewölbe, which is visually stunning. Wandmalereien von Albrecht De Vriendt (1843–1900), de Geschichte der Stadt Darstellen, provide for a travel perspective.

Groeninge Museum

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Groeninge Museum

The best art collection in Brügge can be found in the extensive Groeninge Museum. The original primitive and Renaissance works include Jan Van Eyck’s brilliant masterwork “Madonna with Canon of the Paele” (1436).


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In the Heilig-Blut-Basilika (Basilica of the Holy Blood), a Phiole was defrauded, while a single Tropfen des Blutes Christi brought the Kreuzzügen to 12 years. Jahrhundert nach Belgien brought wurde.


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The painted Chapel in the Heilig-Blut-Basilika is of the Ort, and the Reliquie is concealed. The craft work can be viewed after 2 p.m., when it hints that the tabernacle is being used again.


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Jedes Jahr finds the Heilig-Blut-Prozession statt in Bruges. During that feast, if your years and years of Christ are aware of the statistics, the precious Philole with the holy blut will find one of the jewel existence of a reliquienschrein, on the debt of the debt during the city.

    Häuser ben Dijver

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Häuser ben Dijver

They are immersed and many photography ensemble of Herrenhäusern from 15. Jahrhundert with Blick on the Dijver-Kanaal heard the Gruuthusemuseum and the Brangwyn-Museum.

Gruuthuse Museum

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Gruuthuse Museum

Liebhaber antiker en gewandter Kunst sollten sich unbedingt im Gruuthusemuseum umsehen, das in den beeindruckenden 22 Räumen des mittelalterlichen Gruuthuse unterbracht ist, dem Haus des flämischen Höflings Louis de Gruuthuse (1427–1492), the später Earl of Winchester was, a title, of the ihm 1472 by King Edward IV. of England was lost.

Altes Sankt-Jans Hospital

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Altes Sankt-Jans Hospital

The restaurant of the Sankt-Jans Hospital (Oud Sint-Jansspitaal) is located at 12. Jahrhundert gegründet and is the oldest hospital in Bruges. It now serves as a museum and houses more Meisterwerke der Kunst des 15. Jahrhunderts.

Memling Museum

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Memling Museum

The Museum in Alten Sankt-Jans Hospital houses an original artefact, the Reliquienschrein der Heiligen Ursula (1498). The silver-plated Eichenholz-gefertigte Stück is decorated with a miniature church and is painted with paintings from the lives of Ursula’s saints.

Bridges of Bruges

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Bridges of Bruges

About 50 bridges overlook the Grachten von Brügge, one of the tribes from the 14. Jahrhundert. The Meebrug can no longer be locked. The Meebrug started in 1390 and the view of that other flood is uncannily romantic.

Dijver Canal

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Dijver Canal

Der Dijver is one of the most beautiful canals of Brügge and one of the historic buildings. The canal is part of the Flusses Reie, a point number 13 in the city. Jahrhundert allmählich entwickelte.

St. Salvator Cathedral

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St. Salvator Cathedral

The bridge of the Bridge of St. Salvator Cathedral is on the 13th. It is almost certain that the walls are 99 m high, the tower is stacked.


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The interior of the Kathedrale Kathedrale Beherbergt has a remarkable Schätze, which the Chorgestühl removed from 15. Jahrhundert (Bild), that with the Wappen der Ritter vom Goldenen Vlies is verziert.

Royal City Theater

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Royal City Theater

In 1869, the Königliche Stadttheater (Royal City Theatre) was one of the best European musical theaters. In the rewarded environment you will find Open, Theater and Music Concerts as well as Classical Music Concerts.

St. Jacobs Church

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St. Jacobs Church

The St. Jakobs-Kirche (St. Jacob’s Church) is no longer one of the best, but the roads in the empire overlook the interior space and the beautiful collection of Grabkunst, which is founded in the Laufe der Jahre von wohlhabenden A home is sie dennoch einen Besuch wert .


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A war in the Beguinage was an autonomous and prosperous community of emanzipierten-laienfrauen, who lived one of the people and their lives. In Brügge you can take a look at a collection of homesteads from 17 years ago. You will be amazed by the first “Bégijnen” inhabited there.

Beguinage Museum

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Beguinage Museum

Ein der ehemaligen Beginnhaususer wurde zum Begijnhof-Museum ufnktioniert, dessen Besichtigung einen faszinierenden Einblick in das Leben im Beginenhof bietet. When you have an image, the kitchen is ready.

Justice palace

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Justice palace

The ehemalige Justizpalast, which was oriented on the land of the ehemalige Freiheit von Brügge (Palace of the Free of Bruges) between 1722 and 1727, can be explored. The haunting attraction is the brand name Kamin from the 16. Jahrhundert (Photo), the Eichenholz sculpted and painted in black marble. There is something in the ehemalige Schöffenkammer.

Jerusalem Church

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Jerusalem Church

The Church from the Year 1429 onwards, one of the oldest churches in Brügge, is an monument to the Grabeskirche in Jerusalem. Das Innere is suitable for the copy of the Christian Christmas in the mini chapel behind it. The most architectural mark is that it contains the church tower, the first click and a minarett.

Concert Hall

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Concert Hall

Brügge has more than one cultural center, a contemporary concert hall, a concert hall with two large musical halls, which serve as a stage for an electric presentation of musical and theater productions.

Beer from Bruges

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Beer from Bruges

Belgium is entitled to enjoy your beer, and you can enjoy your beer experience in Brügge. The city that has its own beer museum, and a beer guide is given, which illuminates another kopfsteinpflasterstraßen and a brauerei in the city center with an extraction from the city. If you don’t have a good experience, you are welcome to stay here, but why don’t you see a Tropfen des Reichhaltigen, golden Straffe Hendrik?

Chocolate from Bruges

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Chocolate from Bruges

Belgium is one of the most important restorers of Schokolade in Europe. One of the best chocolatiers in the country used to be in Sitz in Brügge, and they can travel around and try out beautiful pralines in specially designed containers.

Moules frites

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Moules frites

The tradition of the Leibgericht der Stadt, Moules frites, since Muscheln, which were bought in Zwiebeln and a seller and paired with Pommes frites. Those Pommes frites are a Belgian culinary preparation. The Überlieferung considers that the Pommes frites were born in the Belgian Namur in the winter of 1680, as the Maaszufror and the Bewohner nicht in der Lage were, ihr Lieblingsgericht, gebratenen Fisch, zuzubereiten. Stattdessen braten sie not geschnittene Kartoffeln.


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Leckere and duftende Waffeln are the best culinary Markenzeichen Belgiens. There are also versions of national desserts, the Lütticher Waffel and the Brüsseler Waffel. Der Unterschied is located in the Konsistenz des Teigs. The waffle produced in Belgium has become an American cotton candy: during the Welvaartsstellung in Seattle in 1962, it was first born in the United States.

Bridge in Boat

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Bridge in Boat

The nächstbest Möglichkeit, Brügge zu Fuß zu erkunden, is a sightseeing tour through the canals.


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Außerhalb von Brügge, about 10 km south, lies the Schloss Loppem aus der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts, a static Schloss from the Rotem Backstein with a rich view and eingerichten Innenausstattung. It is a small castle intended for his old Heckenlabyrinth, in humans it is impossible.

Quellen: (Visit Bruges) (The Guardian) (National Geographic) (BBC) (HuffPost)

Very interesting: Venedig & Co. – Towns with Wasserstraßen