
Autorin Hefter obtains the German Book Prize

Autorin Hefter obtains the German Book Prize

With «Hey guten Morgen, who is the direction?» It is an important Roman story, a tiefgehend and a lighter lifestyle. Then the Leipzigerin would be honored with the German Buchpreis.

Der diesjährige Buchpreis becomes an author Martina Hefter für «Hey good tomorrow, who is the direction?». It is a matter of a small choreography, which has “an animation of its own making”, that ends up in the jury. “A fascinating representation of the Roman zermürbenden Alltag with mythological figures and cosmic dimensions, it navigates through Swedish melancholy and euphoria, reflects on betrayal and tauschung.”

Die 59 Jahre alte Hefter lived in Leipzig. It is not Autorin, but one of the Tänzerin and Performance-Künstlerin, so who is the Roman protagonist. In «Hey good morning, who is here?’ lebt de Mittfünfzigerin Juno in zwei Welten: Tags are in de schwer kranken Mann, nights can be viewed on the Internet.

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There is something in Roman times, a Colonialismus, a Sehnsüchte, Freundschaft and Liebe. Of these major themes, there are more laconic and zart ones.

The German book prize is gold plated as one of the most important promotions of the industry and was published at the end of 20. The jury has given a verdict on 197 Romane aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.

Among the final finalists were Maren Kames (‘Hasenprosa’), Clemens Meyer (‘Die Projektoren’), Ronya Othmann (‘Vierundsiebzig’), Markus Thielemann (‘Von Norden rollt ein Donner’) and Iris Wolff (‘Lichtungen’). .

Vergeben wird der Buchpreis von der Stiftung Buchkultur und Leseförderung des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels. There is a donation of 37,500 Euro for: Der Sieger costs 25,000 Euro, the car racers of the Shortlist jewels 2,500 Euro. I lost the Jahr gewann der Österreicher Tonio Schachinger with his Roman «Echtzeitalter».

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