
Keine Kölner Möbelmesse in January 2025

Keine Kölner Möbelmesse in January 2025

Keine Kölner Möbelmesse in January 2025The Koelnmesse hat in Absprache with the Verband der Deutschen Möbelindustrie (VDM) und de Handelsverband Möbel und Küchen (BVDM) beschlossen, de kommende Ausgabe der imm cologne 2025 auszusetzen. You respond at the Koelnmesse to the active Rahmenbedingungen of the special Möbelindustry in Germany. This separation is all possible when the dialogue with the cooling market is a new trading format, which is as tragfähig for the zukunft experience.

The main reason is the economical economics for German furniture repairers, the mangelnde Nachfrage nach Möbeln inland, the extensive public transport network, and then the intelligent, budget-friendly Zurückhaltung der Branche.

“The development of the imm cologne is first and foremost a matter of course, but also a clearer and more precise form,” said Leo Lübke, chairman of the VDM. “There are many other industries that are in the throes of German change on the Möbelmarkt – and with the Anforderungen and Messen. The current industry situation is forcing leaders to change their minds. While the industry collaborates with the cooling industry-intensive and new Konzepten, the speziell of the lonely segments of the business units is so. As the largest Möbel nation in Europe, we can expand our branches and set up the Möbel know-how in Standort Cologne.”

Markus Meyer, chairman of the BVDM, said this assessment: “I have a feeling for the Entscheidung, the Messe im kommenden Januar auszusetzen and bedauere sehr, that the Branche ihre international Leitmesse nicht stärker unterstützt hat. Die imm cologne is a bedeutender of Treffpunkt for the industry for a year. If the break losses for a year are not even an impetus for innovation and Austausch, then there is an important Bühne, an international market that is served. It is now urgent to carry out all activities of the industry, cooperate and collaborate with the finds. If you have more time to concentrate, you will not be able to find your position safe and secure. The industry has a powerful platform with the smell of a perfume, a zukunftsfähig aufzustellen.”

The look at the results of the research into the history of the commercial trade fair: “The imm cologne of the time of day, is the result of further investigation into the overall understanding of the industry situation”, says Gerald Böse. “There is a good chance that the war will lead to an international experience that cannot be avoided. Die imm cologne hat in de Corona-Jahren durch de Jan-Termin drei Mal in Folge nicht stattfinden können. This fehlende kontinuität, connected with the working economic environment, power is for one as Veranstalter unmöglich, an attractive Ausstellerangebot for the Handel in January 2025 in Cologne of gewährleisten. Unser Anspruch bleibt es, der Möbelbranche an international Bühne in Deutschland anzubiten. Gemeinsam will be regarded as a number of different concepts, which best translate into changed practices.”