
Todesfälle by the West Nil Virus in Ukraine: “Ernste” Bedrohung

Todesfälle by the West Nil Virus in Ukraine: “Ernste” Bedrohung

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The Ukrainian WappNet is for the West Nil Virus. A special feature in the capital Kiev is the Anzahl der Falle merkswert hoch.

Kiev – Ukraine faces a “serious” deception during the West Nil Virus front, while one of the countries’ broadcast health rays, while the Russia-started Ukraine-Krieg was hit, concrete. Innerhalb von drei Monaten is quickly a Dutzend Menschen and the Virus that manifests itself.

Elf Tote in Ukraine during West Nil-Fieber

Ihor Kuzin, the Health Minister and Epidemiologist in Ukraine, uses an interview with the Ukrainian service of the British BBCThat day was made clear: “It is serious and we are serious.” Since July 11 in the Ukraine 11 Menschen an West-Nil-Fieber storben, insgesamt wurden 88 Fall registriert, so Kuzin. The Sterblichkeitsrate varies between 2 and 14 Prozent.

Die Stechmückenart Culex is in Deutschland for the spread of the West Nil Virus
The Stechmückengattung Culex is responsible for all protection against the West Nil Virus in Germany under the RKI. © IMAGO / GerardxLacz/VWPics

At the end of August, the Public Health Center reported, which started on Monday 41. The fall of West Nil-Fieber in Ukraine was the best. Since the beginning of the year 50 Fall registration, lasts from autumn to summer in the central region of Poltawa.

The St. Michael Clinical Hospital in Kiew instructed 17 people with the West Nil Virus virus and on June 1 and at the end of August the human was called “a komplikationen”, so Valentina Ginzburg, Leiterin des Gesundheitsamtes der Hauptstadt.

Hohe Dunkelziffer: 80 Prozent der Infizierten has no symptom

The US-American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found one of 150 people infected with the West Nil Virus, one of the few illnesses to have occurred. Schätzungsweise 80 Prozent der Menschen mit dem Virus shows no Symptom.

Other people and persons with a higher ranking or immunity can no longer use the Center for Travel Medizine (CRM). If you have a high degree of risk, a form of erkrankung has developed. 20 Prozent der Infizierten bekommen de CRM Fieber, Kopf- und Gliederschmerzen oder Hautausschläge. If you use a product from the Erkrankten, this is one of the most important risks of the Hirnhautentzündung.

West Nil virus
There is no question of an attack on the West Nil Virus. (Archivbild) © Cynthia Goldsmith/CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL/EPA/dpa

If the CDC pays attention, humans are infected with West Nil Virus, if the disease occurs, then the bird with the virus will be in trouble. Hotspots of Ausbruchs find the typical Weltgesundheits organization on Vogelzugrouten. “More Flugrouten solcher Vögel führen durch die Ukraine,” Kuzin said.

West Nil-Virus-Fälle auch in Deutschland aufgetreten

The virus can cause symptoms in Fieber, Schmerzen, Erbrechen, Hautausschläge, Durchfall and Kopfschmerzen hervorrufen, so the CDC. If you are using summer and herbs, it is best to use fork bowls. “If you are hungry, you will not be happy with your life in the Ukraine,” said Kuzin.

The virus cannot have any influence. It is a CRM product that provides efficient protection against sprays, mosquito nets and slow, heavy clothing. And black bis in the autumn. The main season for infections is between June and September.

In Germany, since September 19, there were two Fall in Saxony and jewels and Fall in Berlin, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt and Lower Saxony, with a presentation at the Robert Koch-Instituts (RKI) at Anfrage miteilte. If you want to register more, you can travel in other states.

West-Nil-Virus: “They are not definitive nor more serious”

“They are not definitiv nor mehr Fälle wonen,” said Virologist Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit vom Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin (BNITM) in Hamburg. There is a problem with investigating whether the issue is still necessary. “That is a positive thing, because the virus burden is completely low,” explains Schmidt-Chanasit.

Das CRM warns “of an expansion of the West Nil Fiebers in Europe” and has people and individuals examined with their social protection protection. In Italy, since July 76, infections and two fatalities have been reported. Affected regions are Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Venice, Friau-Julien Venetien and Apulia.

Fauci infected with West Nil Virus

The RKI is not Italian in the area in Greece and France, weite des Balkans, Teile von Rumänien, Tschechien, Ungarn, der Slovakei, Österreich and der Turkei. In Regions Südspaniens wurden 2024 ebenfallen Infektionen reportedet, says an overview from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

International American immunologist Anthony Fauci infected the virus in August. Der 83 years ago the long time in the Krankenhaus was discussed and a cavity was found in the house. “I have never lived in my life so sickly,” said Fauci in an essay entitled Der Anfang des Monats in der New York Times veröffentlichte wurde. “Es war furchterregend.” The virus can become infected. (cgsc with dpa)