
NASA flies to Jupiter-Mond Europa

NASA flies to Jupiter-Mond Europa

NASA has made a space probe of Jupitermond Europa, one of the hints at its life. (Symbol image)
NASA has made a space probe of Jupitermond Europa, one of the hints at its life. (Symbol image)

Image: Keystone

The Jupitermond Europe is gilded as a valuable candidate for a Himmelskörper, the best life. NASA has released the probe «Europa Clipper», one of the beds on the Grund.

Keine Zeit? blue News soon for these sisters

  • If you have a potential, it is good that the Raumsonde «Europa Clipper» from Jupitermond heats up Europa
  • After three milliards of kilometers of flight, the “Europa Clipper” will arrive in 2030 at the Umlaufbahn des Jupiter.
  • Europe has praised NASA as the most promising way to use the solar energy systems.

The US Space Safety Guard has launched its probe “Europa Clipper” on the road to Jupitermond Europa. A Falcon-Heavy-Rakete des Unternehmens SpaceX hob op Montag vom Raumfahrtzentrum Cape Canaveral ab. Those etwa 5.7 tons are a probe that no longer works, and which affects the Voraussetzung für Leben in Europe.

«Europa Clipper» is one of the other planets that has passed from Jupiter to Jupiter over the years. When you fly through the Probe, with the extensive solar energy it is so coarse that a basketball court is on Mars and then wieder one of the Erde vorbei. The Jupiter passed through in 2030 and into an Umlaufbahn orbit, on the planets on the 21st day.

The fact is that we are getting closer to the Jupiter mouths of Europa, the great world of its own. The Raumsonde is at a distance of 25,000 meters. The bordeigen radar is displayed, the Eisschicht of the Mondes through time, of the man destroyed, from 15 to 24 kilometers or not even a dicker ist. Der Ozean can drive 120 kilometers or less than a meter.

Mission was quickly guaranteed

The Weltraumteleskop «Hubble» aimed at Europe dies from the Oberfläche. Wissenschaftler is as soon as possible, if one of the demands of the European Kruste is a fact, the global Ozean exists. If the water comes out, you may get hit.

«Europa Clipper» is not directly focused on life, but primarily on the presence of foreign constituents – on organic compounds and other hints. In 2034, the probe on the Jupitermond Ganymed was disabled and the Big Mouth dismantled Sonnensystems.

The 5.2 billion dollars (roughly 4.5 billion francs) during the expedition was separated from a transistor. When NASA began work, the probe’s transistor was possibly hit by Jupiter’s intense radiation field. Clipper is used by the 49 Vorbeiflüge an Europa das Äquivalent von mühreren Millionen Röntgenbildaufnahmen aushalten müssen.

The Raumfahrtbehörde prüfte monatelang everything, before you could reach the Schluss ridge in September, the expedition that was planned. «Europa Clipper» has found a new instrument, using electronics in a device with dense zinc and aluminum walls of the Schutz before Strahlung is not used.

Botschaften voor Aliens

Does the stipulations for life in Europe stand out as one of the best of the Ansicht van Wissenschaftlern de Möglichkeit van Leben otherwise in our Sonnen System, including on the Saturn mouth Enceladus.

Who else researched robots for the “Europe Clipper” with Botschaften von der Erde an Bord, unter dem Wort Wasser in 104 Sprachen, in addition to a poem about the mouth of the US-Poetin Ada Limon und een Siliziumchip with the Names of 2, 6 million people, who have changed.

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Stubborn astronauts Suni Williams and Barry “Butch” Wilmore are busy working on board the international Space Station ISS. Nun became more like eight months later. Der Grund: Problems with Boeing’s «Starliner»-Raumschiff.


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