
Gewerkschaft zelebrierte Jubilare in Himmelkron

Gewerkschaft zelebrierte Jubilare in Himmelkron

Gut 4,200 Jahre Gewerkschaftsarbeit: IG BAU Upper Franconia ehrt 85 Jubilare

It is safe to say that the names of the names, 85 years ago, were known: So many people were lost during the same day (Hinweis ed.: October 12) in the Hotel “Fichtelgebirgshof” in Himmelkron for their engagement in the industrial agricultural sector. If you come to a bovine of 4,200 business units, if you are active in the field of beige slows, then the IG BAU of the industry of your machine, which always is. The jubilee tribes of the Bezirksverband Oberfranken, genauer of the Kreisverbänden Bayreuth, Kulmbach, Hof and Wunsiedel. The guests were Gerhard Schneider, Bürgermeister der Gemeinde Himmelkron, and Mathias Eckardt, Geschäftsführer des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes Oberfranken.

IG BAU Oberfranken ehrte am Samstag Jubilare in Himmelkron

IG BAU Oberfranken ehrte am Samstag Jubilare in Himmelkron

The Laudatio was held by IG BAU lawyer Philipp Hauck. The legal protection protection of IG BAU Franken has taken over the involvement of 85 employees in the company, who have won their anniversary in the company. Although it was not yet in the IG BAU and the anniversary was short, after all, the environment in which the forest was maintained is hand-written: “Those people who are here, have been in order in their life, they come together.” on more than 7.7 million Arbeitstunden. Die Arbeitsstunden-Berg ergibt sich, als man de Stunden zeeammenrechnet, the jubilee will not come into effect in his Jobs. During that time, Häuser has been much higher, Felder orders, Wälder gepflegt and objects have been cleaned. Two Gewerkschaftsmitglieder feiern sogar 75. Jubiläum“, thus Uwe Behrendt, the Bezirksvorsitzende of IG BAU Upper Franconia.

Behrendt might be able to do well, because the Jubilare noch lang nicht zum “alten Eisen” heard: “Viele engagieren sich noch in ihrer wohldienten Rente bei us, the problem is that the problem has no longer become. Make sure you invoke employment clauses in unrelated industries. Some of the company’s activities are worth their weight in gold.” The IG BAU Upper Franconia is a legacy of Austausch spanning generations.

That is why Germany has been a part of this year for greater sustainability: “The environmental impact of climate change has always become more deutlich – because of this, Germany has to change and modernize itself. Since these reforms will take longer, these generations will be let go,” Uwe Behrendt deutlich.