
DAX – Please take good care of your Laune. Lufthansa has ab. • news • onvista

DAX – Please take good care of your Laune. Lufthansa has ab. • news • onvista

Die Anleger is still in the Kauflaune and schoben den DAX® I have Trading on 19,600 Punkte. Make sure that the wash is properly prepared for the multiple bowel action. I have never received a message from an American Nutbank core. It is better to let the economy benefit from the FED’s financial sense.

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Bavarian The Zulassung of Elinzanetant, a medicine for the treatment of Hitzewallungen in the Wechseljahren, outside the European Union. The active operation is not that simple. A major investor there Deutsche Bank hat Aktien im Wert von 256 Millionen Euro platziert. The promotion goes on sale tonight. Die Deutsche Lufthansa hob after positives Analyst comments on and überflog bereits the Widerstandsmarke at EUR 6.70. Die Deutsche Telekom setzte ihren Aufwärtstrend heute fort and nähert sich dam dem Kreuzbrederstand bei EUR 28.40. Mutares factory of the Börsengang of the Austrian Steyr Motors. Die Aktie der Beteiligungsgesellschaft Mutares war you will die by Shortellern. Inswinging can remove the paper from the right amount. The software developer Nagarro the prognosis for the gesamtjahr has been reduced. Die Aktie gab daraufhin deutlich nach. Redcare Pharmacy das Allzeithoch gauges at EUR 152.75. TUI The purchase price is EUR 7.00. The purchase price is EUR 7.80.

cheart: DAX®

Wider rankings: 19,490/19,808 Punkte

Unterstützungsmarken: 18.818/18.974/19.073/19.171/ 19.285 Punkte

Der DAX® open the door with a gap after opening and reaching the mark at 19,600 points. The long and short-term MACD indicators are forward-oriented. The RSI indicator does not signal an overheated situation. The nächste Hürde is located at 19,808 points (138.2% retracement line). Unterstützung findet der Leitindex zwischen 19.390 und 19.490 Punkten.

DAX® in Punkten; Stundenkaart (1 Kerze = 1 Stunde)

Betrachtungszeitraum: 10.09.2024 – 15.10.2024. Historical observations do not provide any convincing indicators for such successful development.

DAX® in Punkten; Wochenchart (1 Kerze = 1 Woche)

Betrachtungszeitraum: 16.10.2019 –15.10.2024. Historical observations do not provide any convincing indicators for such successful development. Quelle:

Structural products who Reverse-Bonus-Cap-Certifikate Couldn’t find an investment option? If you choose investors now, there are no opportunities to see yet. These paper types have been increased by a barrier and a bonus level/limit. Notification of the index until the final assessment has come down from the barrier, allowing the investor to achieve the maximum return involvement. This bet is very interesting because of the difference with the Reverse Level and Bonus Level – a transition to the Bezugsverhaltnis (z.Bsp.: (26,000 – 12,200)/100 = 138 Euro). Andernfalls dreams of a Verlust. Inline Options Scheine If you choose to be on the safe side, you will die from a woolen index of woolen indexes. Notiert der Index bis zum finalen Bewertungstag stets upperhalb der lower Ko-Barriere unterhalb der lower Ko-Barriere, erhalten Anleger am Laufzeitende the fixierten Rückzahlungsbetrag. Wird de Barriere verletzt paintällt das Wertpaper alldings wertlos.

Reverse Bonus Cap Certificate on the DAX®

Basic value WKN Sales prize in Euro Barrier in Pkt. Bonus level/limit in pkt. Reverse level in Pkt. Final Bewertungstag
DAX® HD7V59 91.57* 21,400 13,600 25,000 21.03.2025
DAX® HD6DGX 83.42** 20,500 9,700 25,000 21.03.2025
DAX® HD3WSE 95.06*** 21,000 12,200 26,000 17.04.2025
* max Rückzahlungsbetrag: 114 Euro; ** maximum Rückzahlungsbetrag: 153 Euro; ***max. Rückzahlungsbetrag 138 Euro; Quelle: onemarkets by UniCredit; Status: 15.10.2024; 09:45hrs

Inline Options Scheine auf DAX® for a speculation about a trend trend in the index

Basic value WKN Sales award in EUR lower Ko-Barriere in Pkt. obere Ko-Barrière in Pkt. Letzter Bewertungstag
DAX® HD6M06 4.85 16,500 20,500 17.01.2025
DAX® HD84PD 4.36* 17,500 21,000 21.03.2025
DAX® HD84PE 6.02* 17,500 21,500 21.03.2025
DAX® HD84PF 7.11 17,500 22,000 21.03.2025
* Reimbursement fee at the end of the day: EUR 10; Quelle: onemarkets by UniCredit; Status: 15.10.2024; 9:45 am Uhr

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