
HAK Wiener Neustadt – Unternehmen von morgen

HAK Wiener Neustadt – Unternehmen von morgen

The direct path in the Wirtschaft is the motto der
HAK/HAS Wiener Neustadt. As “Entrepreneurship Education”-zertifizierte Bildungseinrichtung fördert fachliche and personal qualifications, also the Grundlage for onternehmerisches Denken and Acten Darstellen.

While the Australian Trade Academy (HAK) started 5 years ago and with a diploma and diploma ceremony, a 3-year Handelsschule (HAS) could put an end to an Abschlussprüfung-steht. This is a way to continue the HAK years with an „International Business Class“ (IBC), a number of international experiences in its representation.

The HAK has all Absolvent: there are indications that there is a study taking place on the Möglichkeit, a more führende representation of a university or a college. Schulleiter Engelbert Zwitkovits has the previous Wahlfreiheit and the beddeutung of
Economic Qualifikationen in der modern Berufswelt reform: “The Ausbildung an der Handelsakademie sets the best economic basis of all Bildungsmöglichkeiten der Sekundarstufe 2 dar. We cannot see our schüler: there are probably problems with the commotion or a delayed display.”

There are a number of Wirtschaftskompetenz that are financed by the financing of Wissen – in particular in the Fremdsprachen – ergänzt. Neben den Pflichtgegenständen Deutsch und Englisch können Lernende zwischen Französisch, Spanisch und Italienisch wählen.

Auch in der Handelsschule steht de wirtschaftlich Ausbildung im Vordergrund und de Absolvent: It is possible to go directly in the right direction. One of the 3-year professional activities that brings an educational and economic knowledge, while improving and transforming the practical orientation of work in a particular business firm. Vom Einkauf über die Buchhaltung bis zum Verkauf was the teaching of all wesentlichen Unternehmensfelder brought to life.

For orientation-oriented, motivated students: International interest and well-being are the IBC Zweig that is the right Wahl. IBC is suitable for International Business Class, in the youth class of the HAK in a new semester in the highest class and in the four classes a semester in Ausland.

Die Freude am Lernen und der Erwerb intercultural Kompetenz stehen in der IBC in de Vordergrund. Neben der intensive wirtschaftlichen Ausbildung liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Förderung internationaler Erfahrungen and ausgezeichneter Fremdsprachenkenntnisse. We have found the schüler: in a favorable location, torches in clearing projects that take a long time and planning and expensive own projects with debts at home and abroad.

One of the modern gesellschafts dishes sold will be greater than the technical Ausstattung. The practice-oriented processing of your own notebooks is in the unconscious integrity, one of the ways in which you can pay your personal attention. If you want to see the basis for a networked communication, you can spend the time with online lessons, ermöglicht and gefördert wird.

The financing of unternehmerical thinking and trading activities will be carried out during projects with a theme that is very important. Under the motto “Change It” it is true that the student finds one of the best things about our zest for life and the legend that the Grundstein provides for a healthy, healthy life.

The day of the violations Tür findet am Samstag, 23.11. from 8-11 Uhrstatt. Schnuppertage an der HAK/HAS can make a pre-registration possible.

Aktuelle Schnuppertermine and other Schulin info can be found