
Solingen: Warum John Reinarz sein Leben den Toten widmet – Heimatliebe

Solingen: Warum John Reinarz sein Leben den Toten widmet – Heimatliebe

The property is owned by the Friedhof St. Katharina in Solingen-Wald an Ort der Trauer, des Gedenks. Wo to arrest those people. Gerade aber dröhnt das Knattern a small Schaufelbaggers through the Pacific. For John Reinarz the best is Arbeitsplatz, it can freeze. Let the Baggers’ Beads penetrate the Boden and experience the consequences. “I can no longer dive into the fresh air. That’s beautiful“, said it was a Lächeln. “If it’s not frostbite, it’s a good idea to do this. I was here for the nature and it is clean.“When you think about all this, don’t think about the 34 years very often.

Every man must have a star. If you are afraid, it is important that you go to the trauern once. One thing, if you have one of many thoughts, it’s not even like it won’t work out. John Reinarz lives in Solingen, which means that he can live happily ever after. A beef 1400 Gräber was carried out on three Friedhöfen. That’s right, it was a family tradition. Since 1847, our family has grown together with their Gräber and Grünflächen.

Kindness at the Friedhof

Reinarz sits in a small rotten Trecker and fährt a large box fuller Erde über den Friedhof. Damit will unebenheiten auf the Gräbern ausbessern später. A big problem is the Trecker who has lost his way. You don’t know any Quadratzentimeter ganz genau. “I might agree if I’m used to my life or my father here“, he remembers. “If you spend years, you can use the machines yourself. The war stopped Spaß.

For the War of the Friedhof there is no longer a place on the Spielplatz with more possibilities. “I learned how to travel here, but the main route is as good as it gets“Erzählt is a laugh. Schon dams ist there with the Rad dort vorbeigefahren, where später is finally buried sein wird. Directly at the entrance of St. Katharina Friedhofs you will find the Familiengrab der Reinarz. “It’s a matter of knowing, which I have no idea about“, said it was nachdenklich. “This is my own Platz and with the family my search for Ruhestätte.

“Was mir Spaß might, since those Beerdigungen”

The deprived operation cannot be used. “In der Schule the other children have become comical, if that happens, Friedhofsgärtner will too“, said eh.”There is a war going on. I think it’s in kindergarten.“Die Entschlossenheit begleitet ihn bis heute. “Was mir Spaß might, since those Beerdigungen. The fact is that I am working with the machines“, he explains.

In the Zeit, in the Reinarz inzwischen Gärtner ist, there are always changes. Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit became more and more important: “There are many people who would like to live in the shapes, with bienenfreundlichen Pflanzen and Bienen-Hotels. We wollen de Tieren a besseren Lebensraum beets.“Dadurch didn’t live to be long, it said.”I had a new idea, was the man who could say everything.

Über dieses Topic messages will appear on October 21, 2024 at WDR TV: Local Time Bergisches Land, 7:30 PM.