
The EA-Maxime: 5er-Kette appears in the VBLCC

The EA-Maxime: 5er-Kette appears in the VBLCC

Unlike the FC-25-Wettbewerben of EA SPORTS, the fun continues in the VBL Club Championship in 2024/25. It is not possible to obtain the DFL-Verantwortlichen aus.

Please contact the VBL-Entscheidung-freuen: Anders Vejrgang.

Please contact the VBL-Entscheidung-freuen: Anders Vejrgang.
DFL/Getty Images/Alexander Scheuber

After the “sehr claren Tendenz” of the assembly, it became: In the VBL Club Championship (VBLCC), analogously since 2024/25, all formations that obtained a Dreier- or Fünferkette were prohibited and banned. If the German eFootball League leaves the Marschroute, the Entwickler in the eSport vorgeleb continues: during the EA SPORTS organizer of the FC-25-Turnieren, the Dreier respective football match on its latter ban is active wieder erlaubt.

The separation for the VBLCC field after the withdrawal with the other and new Players Council is connected to the Kommission eFootball der DFL. When the average age category is reached, it is possible that the active eSports player will have more and more fun. “I personally found that the Fünferkette was not resolved,” said Weltmeister Anders Vejrgang. The Däne von RBLZ Gaming looks like, “that’s the game for a business to come”. The VBLCC-Maßnahme seems ihm Recht zu geben.

Gefahr der international anpassungsproblem?

The German Club and Einzelmeister Jonas Wirth is diplomatic and clear-headed, without having to worry about themes. The Neu-Bochumer has done all things at a party, that is “Viele Spieler, who never spoil everything, could have a Vorteil haben with the Funkette”. In the Umkehrschluss it is worth spreading Formationen, Tore zu erzielen, wie Ulms Serhat Öztürk meinte. It was a challenge to increase a Skill Gap – the playful quality of the skills came from the Vorschein.

This problem was created by the new VBLCC-Saison from the world. Another can have a lot of fun: eSportler games in the high frequency of the domestic League are not fun, but the playing style of international players may be greater. The separation takes place under the players council with another players council – the playing council of the VBL – the field, which is the professional. It seems that the German Leistungen at FC Pro Open Regional Qualifier are clearly negative, but this is negative for other Turniere.