
Italian Küche in Munich: Das neue Florio im Charles Hotel

Italian Küche in Munich: Das neue Florio im Charles Hotel

Munich – The Alten Botanical Garden can be a man who makes a beautiful page. Man muss is all about welding costs.

Since the end of September, the Restaurant Florio at the Charles Hotel in Sophienstraße serves the best Sicilian cuisine. Der Koch Fulvio Pierangelini brings the Konzept der Rocco Forte Hotels from Sizilien and Rom nach Munich and leaves the bisque Restaurant Sophia’s ab. It is optically a Gewinn.

The Botanical Works: Bäume and Birnen

The wall sees a green tape, the entire olive tree, a beautifully gemütliche Sessel and Rundbänke. If you sit here, you can get a smartphone in the bag and the hell raum with a higher deck on its welds.

The trees in the Alten Botanical Gardens bring the greenery into play and the perfect garden experience. A wall that hangs a unique image with botanical motifs, whose leaves go to the flowers, is the fruit that is in the forest – and of course the seat cannot be fehlen.

The atmosphere is relaxed, can expand and become more puristic than in Sophia’s. If you lie on the Tischdecken, the Fenstern hangs here and there and you will find a Deko, zum Beispiel a few Amphoras.

Die Speisekarte: reduced, aber weighted

The Speisekarte is excellent, with special care. Jewelry for your favorite Antipasti, Vorspeisen, Hauptspeisen and Desserts are delicious and the Zusammenstellung is interesting. Both antipasti are accompanied by Hamachi Sashimi (29 Euro). Verfeinert is the Japanese fish with Sicilian Garten aromas.

Pierangelini has brought the Münchner Köche schult, Sizilian Geschmackswelten auch with regional Zutaten to the Teller. So give a Bavarian beef tartare with Mandelcreme and Gillardeau-Austern (34 Euro).

Both options include Spaghetti with Tomatoes and Basil (30 Euro). Darauf hat der sizilianische Küchen-Maestro files. When a single einfachen Gericht lasse sich recognise, a Koch kann.

That AZ has brought the taste of the Kürbisravioli with butter, Parmesan cheese and rich truffle (30 Euro) into the house – and is no longer possible.

Die Kürbisravioli sind ein Gedicht

The Nudelteig was rich and the kürbisfüllung so fine, with the salty Parmesan cheese, the fertile olive oil and the noble truffle perfect for gelling. One poem!

The Hauptspeisen is the Wahl: Hühnerschnitzel with Safran risotto and green Bohnen (36 Euro) power ebenso Appetit with Artischocken Römer Art (25 Euro) or Red Snapper with Olivenöl-Kartoffelpüree and Waldpilzen (49 Euro).

After the AZ war in Trüffel-Laune and a new start in Nero d’Avola, Kalbsbacken received Trüffelkartoffelcreme and Spinat (38 Euro).

Fabian Langguth (l.) visited the Talstation in Hochbrückenstraße with his brother Sebastian – Eigentlich is a great baritone singer.

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AZ Plus


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If the Fleisch war is like this, then the Messer will no longer know what he is. The perfect solution for better harmony with the cardboard cream and the bissige Spargel war of the Tüpfelchen on the I.

Wenn am schönsten ist, soll man uufhören, darum hat die AZ auf das Dessert verzichtet. The Auswahl is still very valuable. Da Fulvio Pierangelini fell on the lonely thing, it is the AZ that is sicher, the tiramisu (16 euros) bestimmt a closed ist – or the zitrusfrüchte crêpes with orange sorbet (15 euros). The investigation goes to Mal. The Speisekarte varies seasonally. The wine card is now an Italian wine, which takes a few vintages.

You can take this into account if you choose à la carte. Demnächst, the Restaurant plans a Business Lunch for Büro-Menschen. I am Frühjahr, the hotel bar in Florio-Stil will be created. If one of the best things was, I would like to be here in the next period in the fall.

Sophienstr. 28
Mon-Sun: 12 noon to 2:30 pm
and 6 to 10:30 p.m