
Mexico muss Schlüsselbranchen für USMCA und Nearshoring starken!

Mexico muss Schlüsselbranchen für USMCA und Nearshoring starken!

Mexiko is one of the most separated Wendepunkt: experts warn, the strategic sector is defined and the infrastructure is expanded, a source of US investments through the Nearshoring-Trend and the optimal USMCA activities. René Espinosa, president of the national tariffs of the maquiladora and export industry, the Fokus on the Entwicklung of Wertschöpfungsketten in North America lies sollte. “The USMCA looks at the definition of the Schlüsselsektoren”, so Espinosa, at the geopolitical Vorteile des Abkommens hervorhob.

In view, Mexico involves investment positions on establishments, allowing Ulises Fernández, Sekretär for Innovation and Unternehmensentwicklung, an expansion of the production infrastructure. “Wir müssen Talent und Bedingungen kosten, het Wachstum der Industrie unterstützen,” erklärte erklärte erklärte erklärte erklärte erklärte a ief dazu auf, het local unternehmerische Ökosystem einzubeziehen. Laut Tony Lin of the Taiwanese Research Institute for Industrial Technology is putting pressure on the big world, such as in Mexico and trade with Canada and the US. In this new city of Nearshorings, Mexiko can have the opportunity to learn, a business environment – a view, which can be obtained at

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