
Daniel Lopes teases Heimweh and Existenzängste

Daniel Lopes teases Heimweh and Existenzängste

Singer Daniel Lopes is always concerned about the lust for singing: especially when a woman and a woman think. Sein Heimweh could be committing an offense when it comes to money worries in the family room.

Das Wichtigste in Kürze

+++ Update, October 15 +++

Daniel sees himself after his family

So no matter how Bea Peters de Sänger doesn’t think about it: When Daniel Lopes nach seiner Familie fragments, dieser in Tränen aus: “I was no so long away from zu Hause.” The Promi-Reporter said he could say: “Was meinst du, wie stolz die auf dich sind! Du bist der Champion!” But Daniel can no longer use a trace. “Meine Frau und mein Sohn, die brauchen mich.”

Did you enjoy it the most?

I say to Bea: “Daniel is very happy here, but if we have a whole family we have had, it is also a matter of great concern. There is no war or so long from the woman and the messages they get.” The Promi-Reporter can nachvollziehen, dass Daniels Gefühle mal raus mussten: “It is not even, the family of the family, who continues and all the supports of their lives. Ich glaube, Daniel kämpft jeden Tag.”

I need to be more for my family, and that will never be a reality again. I didn’t make anything and I never made any amount of money.

Daniel braucht the price money urgently

Der Sänger bestätigt im Sprechzimmer: “The prize money was my fair share. If man is not guilty of follow-up, it is still a matter of course. I could not give a grim signal, and that is manchmal anstrengend. if my family loves my family, it’s not like I made a little money.

Every time you go for a month it is not possible to hear the singer. “Und wenn man mich fragt hat, where I was so (PBB) mache, sage ich: ‘In the first line, with my own family, that is for me the most important.'” When a family thinks, they come to life . “Of course I will.”

All the following and highlights of “Promi Big Brother” 2024

"Promi big brother" at Joyn

+++ Update, October 12 +++

Daniel Lopes is in a container in a “krisengespräch” with Mimi

Once you leave the first exit, a promise is made about the container, while you lie about the beggar’s nerves. “Wir has dared the container chefs, who have once been on the guillotine”: Daniel Lopes still cannot win, while Matze in his Amt is the first Container Chef-zofort for the teilnahme am Duell in the Arena – of course – for the schließlich make a commitment and end the exit droht.

Mimi Fiedler spends her time with the singer as a Fehler, because the occupants are the first. Tag Matze zum Containerchef wählten, “we do not have any thoughts about them”: If Alida Kurras knows both of them, Mimi says, that is Daniel and they are a “Krisengespräch” führen. As soon as Alida has gone, Daniel comes to talk to us about the music: on the side of the wall for playing with our Mate Höhn: “I know my own personality, wenn there are people who are happy with it, in my experience – from my Taktik oder Zufall.” Sein Verhältnis zu Matze is still changeable: “I completely ignore myself”, says Daniel.

Im Clip – Drama about Mimi and Daniel: Was ist dran an den Vorwürfen?

+++ Ursprüngliche Notification +++

DSDS 2003: Daniels Karriere als singer nimmt seinen Lauf

In the war of January 2003, Daniel Lopes, on the road to Star. In the first group of the DSDS staff, Sieger Alexander Klaws Schlagzeilen, or the Kandidatinnen with Juliette Schoppmann (Zweite) or Gracia Baur (Fünfte) was busy for a long time after the Show in the Spräch. Daniel Lopes’ hat is passionate. Aber es kam different.

After coming from the “Deutschland like the Superstar”, Daniel was a flat player. Frank Farian produces his album. The first single hit in the charts. Now the leader is happy: The war is slowing down, for the Staffel-Sieger to have their own Single zu öffentlichen. Next: Daniel comes out of the DSDS-Live-Tournee gestrichen. Not a single Rückschlag in the blessing Karriere. Dennoch: there is always a reminder – and this is the case.

Reality star Daniel: Bei “Die Alm” is fun

When he is with Daniel, he regularly sings singles, insgesamt 18 and says “Ist das Liebe (E questo l’amore)”. Mit Musik is also not popular. Zwischendurch wechselte is von Pop in House and Electro Music and also active as a Songwriter, DJ and MC.

After the DSDS version appeared in the flourishing reality genre, 2004 took place on “Die Alm” and on the popular Platz. Beim Auftritt beim “Promiboxen” (2004) wurde er sogar Zweiter – was aber die Niederlage (technically KO) against Dustin Semmelrogge bedeutete.

After a longer TV break from Daniel 2011 at “Das Supertalent” and, after the finale, there is a song “Hero” by Enrique Iglesias with a text pendant. 2012 saw with Promis wie Brigitte Nielsen (Siegerin), Kim Gloss and Micaela Schäfer ins “Dschungelcamp”, flog aber as Erster wieder raus. I intend to file for bankruptcy and remain in my Geburtsland Brasilien zurück,

The Voice Brasilien

Dort arbeitete est un seiner Musikkarriere. There are other people who sing a Gala-Band at high notes, firm and abschlussballen. This is the story of “The Voice” Stage:

Dieser Inhalt comes from external advertisements via Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. Active personalization and inhalation of the CMP standards, one of these inhaled analyses.

I returned to the comeback in Brazil in 2018, when there is “The Voice Brasil”, the Brazilian pendant of “The Voice of Germany”, teilnah. So a Millionenpublikum was created in Seiner Heimat über Nacht.

“The Voice of Germany” with Staffel 14 started

"The voice of Germany" 2024 Folge 1: Joyn teaser

Kein Superstar-Ruhm, after the major financial support

In Brazil there is no big Star-Ruhm yet, but most of the world: 2016 is the fitness trainer of Magna Cavalcante, who donated the Ravi in ​​2020. If they both stay in Brazil and Germany for a long time, then it will be Düren.

Auch die Live-Bühne better be wieder – everything is no longer as a singer. There is a war with the Stripper-Truppe “Sixx Paxx” on the Tour and it is no longer necessary to use the microphone, but the fallen Klamots have fallen. “Meine Frau hat mir aber nur oben ohne erlaubt, mehr nicht”, said an interview with the “Nieuwe Presse Hannover”.

Jetzt, Daniel looks at the big reality stage. There is no longer any question of Herausforderung with “Promi Big Brother”. For the Sieg, it is a fact that the Instagram channel “quickly is everything”.