
Bei Untermyers im Garten | Tachles

Bei Untermyers im Garten | Tachles

Watch New Yorker and discover Samuel Untermyer’s evil Villenanlange in Yonkers wieder.

Every Wednesday there is a Hitzewelle in New York City. If the temperature is lower than 20 degrees Celsius at night, the temperature will be lower than 30 degrees Celsius.

If the city has a green hat now, the future of the city will probably last that long. An unreliable story for the New Yorker is Samuel Untermyer’s evil Villenanlange in Yonkers, a small town north of the Bronx, which is idiosyncratically deprived of its high criticism and drugging.

If there’s a big city in town, this guy on the Hudson can solve a problem. The open-air city park, the surrounding Untermyer Park and Gardens, etwa 17 hectares. Our Untermyers Lebzeiten hatte das Wesen more than 60 Hektar.

Because we need the architectural architecture, the walled garden and the walled garden, the inspiration for other Indo-Persian gardens has arisen. Here you will find a small Freiluft-Amphitheater in the Greek style, one of the two gegenüberliegen Sphinxes, which sit on paired Ionic Säulen thrones. Danach comes with a classical pavilion and the temple of heaven, such as the swimming pool, of which the water is full, which would not be enjoyed by visitors. The first time the end is reached is still no longer. While a little boy makes a long treppe, the Walled Garden becomes a viewing platform with a view of the Hudson and the cliffs of the Palisades in New Jersey.

The garden was started in 1916 by Samuel Untermyer, who spent no expense purchasing a small paradise in New York City.

Was the war Samuel Untermyer?
Sein Vater Isidor Untermyer came from the region in Augsburg and followed the separated revolution of 1848, which fell on landsleute in America. There is a lie in the Federal State of Virginia, where Therese Landauer acquired knowledge, who left a small village of Stuttgart and waged a war with his Mann Salomon Guggenheimer in Lynchburg. Guggenheimer died in 1848 and Isidor inherited the young Witwe. Samuel was born in Lynchburg on March 6, 1858.

For three years he was the supporter of the American Civil War, and other Jews living in the South State supported Isidor in the Konföderation. It starts a year after the end of the Krieges. After Theresa’s childhood in New York, Samuel attended City College and studied at Columbia Law School. With the Halbbruder and the Seinem Bruder in 1882, the Waltskanzlei Guggenheimer & Untermyer started an establishment that became bald as one of the most common processes in the US. 1880 heir Samuel Untermyer Minnie Carl, died from a Protestant-German family lineage. Minnie has power over a name in the New Yorker Kulturkreisen. In the 1909 war, the New Yorker Philharmonic began joining Gustav Mahler as conductor of the orchestras. Minnie war as Vorsitzende der Poetry Society of America. Gemeinsam with his man when it comes to the Frauenwahl law and the konnte group, which was established for the Frauenwahl law, the legal interests and the financial matters involved in the Mannes zur Verfügung. Das Frauenwahlrecht in the US was ratified in 1920.

If one of the years is considered a great success, a karriere, the power of its Selfmade-Million power, which is concerned with undermining the legal issues. So in 1923 journalist Herman Bernstein trampled in the Verleumdungsklage against Henry Ford. The car repairman contains extensive anti-Semitic literature on the «Protokolle der Weisen von Zion» among his Angestellten. When the Klage started with the power of the industrial industry in the USA, from the Tageszeitung “Dearborn Independent”, in the many anti-Semitic writings that existed, einstellen and sich öffentlich entschuldigen must.

Leidenschaft Gartenkultur
There are a number of other power organizations, war delegates from the Jewish World Congresses and the umbrella Zionist wurde are another president of Keren Hajessod. It is a fact that the nationalist regime in Germany is a gründete of the non-sectarian anti-Nazi League to defend human rights, while the previous channel has caused war. There is a war going on, this coalition is no longer part of the Jewish group base. Construction of human legal treatises during the Nazi empire under the Boykott German import. Sein Appell an de Volkerbund im July 1933 blieb jedoch ebenso erolglos who seine Kampagne zum Boykott der Olympic Games 1936.

Samuel Untermyer started in 1940 in Palm Springs, California, on the Tage nachdem er seinen 82. Geburtstag received a hat. There is a lot of love that the US state of New York gives, but it is ultimately most useful in the Besitz of the city of Yonkers. 1974 was placed on the National Register of Historic Places and destroyed by a Denkmalschutz.

Sister Lebzeiten hatted Samuel Untermyer when he is concerned, that is the leading description with the garden culture of the seiner Mutter geerbt hatte. Our ambition for the house in Yonkers is to create the “beautiful garden in America”. Man may have a hard time, but it has become, but it has become Samuel Untermyer’s most powerful.