
Hamburg started Planung für Milliarden-Neubau der Köhlbrandbrücke im Hafen

Hamburg started Planung für Milliarden-Neubau der Köhlbrandbrücke im Hafen

The Köhlbrandbrücke in the Hamburger Hafen has been built over time. A Neubau is unique. Bis Ende 2025 is a party, no matter who it is.

The Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) has drawn up a plan for the new Köhlbrandbrücke. The traffic connections in Hamburger Hafen will be handled by a new construction company in the coming years.

The word of the Hamburger Wirtschaftsbehörde ist de Ausschreibung “ein wichtiger Schritt zur beschleunigten Umsetzung der Brückenplanung”. There are eight Planning Bureaus that can implement a project and execute it in parallel. A Fachgremium is separated by the Siegerentwurf.

The Zeitplan for the Großprojekt looks like the ultimate opening of the bridge in the foursome Quartal 2025 is feststehen soll. A Planfeststellungsverfahren has been planted from 2030 onwards. The new Köhlbrandbrücke is a Durchfahrtshöhe for a height of 70 meters – around 20 meters more than the best bridge.

The Hamburg Senate hates the Neubau in April those years beschloss. The estimated costs are between 4.4 and 5.3 billion euros. The ease of transport is expected for 2042. The Abriss der alten Brücke soll bis 2046 abgeschlossen signal.