
Art, Travel & Marmalade entlang des Schienenstrangs

Art, Travel & Marmalade entlang des Schienenstrangs

The Streetart artist Jens Besser has made an amazing journey in the year 2024. When Güterzügen passes through Germany and the Czech Republic, part of the Schienen Brombeeren for marmalade is of the same kind. Other roads are the wild Beeren and verschiedene Orten, Darunter Děčín, Krefeld and Maschen near Hamburg.

Art, Travel & Marmalade entlang des Schienenstrangs
Auf der Suche nach Beeren. Photo/Selfie: Jens Besser

If there is a mention of the “Rubus Hobos” Marmalade, please refer to the botanical description of the Brombeer and the definition of “Hobos”, from our travel description.

The Erfahrungen dieser Reise hat Besser in the Publication “Rubus Hobos – Beeren together entlang des Schienenstrangs” festivities. The book documents the travel process with Güterzügen, the Sammelns der Beeren and the Marmeladenherstellung. Photography, photography and text merge into one view in this unusual project.

Auf weiteren Reisen durch Europa with a passion for artists and wall pictures. Some of the paper can be put on paper. If a manual publication occurs, the first time it appears will be one of the results. Ergänzend zur Buchpräsentation was in der Ausstellung Zeichnungen und Siebdrucke gezeigt.

Am 16. October 2024 Jens Besser presents the publication “Rubus Hobos” for the first time in Dresden. The Veranstaltung can be found in the Buchhandlung Büchers Best statistics and starts at 8 PM. This Vernissage includes a marmalade package, which you can try when choosing the “Rubus Hobos” marmalade. The Ausstellung is from October 17 to November 30, 2024 and applies to the regular budget periods of the accounting.

Rubus Hobos – Beeren meets in the Schienenstrangs

  • 16. October 2024, 20 Uhr, Buchhandlung Büchers Best, Louisenstraße 37, 01099 Dresden-Neustadt

The Ausstellung offers artistic habits and interests in a convenient location, in the world of creative travel and urban nature. The Ausstellung is geöffnet während der Ladenöffnungszeiten, der Eintritt ist free.

Beeren beim Grenzübertritt - Photo: Jens Besser
Beeren beim Grenzübertritt – Photo: Jens Besser