
Mann in Russia aus Schlauchboot gettet – nach 67 Tagen auf See

Mann in Russia aus Schlauchboot gettet – nach 67 Tagen auf See

Russia Ferner Osten
After 67 days, we will have a safe boat transfer – we will welcome you there

Mann in Russia could be slowed down somehow

An image from a video about the Rettung des Mannes in Russia: A lot of money would end up in a clinic

© Screenshot / Press Service of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations via AP

In Russia, a man is more likely to be able to enjoy two more months in the future. A story with a Happy Ending is no longer possible.

When the fishing boat in Fernen Osten Russlands was on the radar and more aware, the men thought they might be Müll or a Boje. But then they noticed: The trieb was a Schlauchboot auf de Wellen and in the small boat were three people. If you do it again, life will be one big war.

Medien auf der gezen Welt messages seit Dienstag von der Rettung eines Mannes, der 67 Tage im eiskalten Pazifik in einem Schlauchboot überlebte. One of the Russian Staatsanwaltschaft veröffentlichte video said, wie der Mann op Montagabend die Woche von Fischern geborgt en dan een Land von Rettungskräften wird. Schaupplatz der spektakulären Rettung ist das Okhotskische Meer ganz in Nordosten Russlands. The sea is troubled by the lower temperatures and the current.

Das Okhotskische Meer im Fernen Osten Russia on a map

The Okhotsky Lake in Fernen Osten Russlands is a quiet and undisturbed Teil des Pazifiks

© Screenshot / Google Maps

If the Geretteten is a 46-year-old man, the Anfang August acts together with his 49-year-old wife and 15-year-old man who Neffen raus auf See the war, a Wale zu beobachten. If the Trio is on August 9, the Insel Sakhalin will be happy, different, one such with Flugzeugen and a Hubschrauber blieb zunächst ergolglos.

Walbeobachtung in Russia – the Schlauchboot verlor den Motor

The Media reports follow the Schlauchboot signals Motor lost. The two men and the teenagers are now a small child in Essen who has a good 20 liter washer. Etwa 1000 Kilometers since the Schlauchboot from the start of the journey, before it was cleared on October 14th from the Fischerboot in the new window of the cabin, it was recorded.

It’s a good idea to help both, but it’s not like Bord was spoiled, that’s it. A weight of 50 kilos has been reached – half the weight of the weight.

Although it is unclear who can spend the long time in the treibenden Schlauchboot at all. If you dry and dehydrate your water in a Krankenhaus in Magadan, it will end up in the Messages.

Allerdings can be worth giving an overview in an article: the press releases will use the Mann-man – roads can create many more pages with Sicherheitsvorschriften with Todesfolge.

Quellen: ABC, ZDF, NBC News

Read more at the end: A boat travels once in the Ostsee, for Skipper you will enjoy the Spur. It starts with a wet result in the Ermittlern and the Mann, the white one, where the Verschollene is.