
Powered by Lions: PEUGEOT und Born Free digital Campaign for the awareness of the safety of the Löwen, PEUGEOT Deutschland GmbH (C0-12), Story

Powered by Lions: PEUGEOT und Born Free digital Campaign for the awareness of the safety of the Löwen, PEUGEOT Deutschland GmbH (C0-12), Story

PEUGEOT launched the new digital campaign ‘Powered by Lions’ at the 2024 Paris Motor Show with the British organization Born Free. Powered by Lions ensures that the world’s population lives in the world and that they trade a lot, so to speak. All im Rahmen dieser Kampagne gesammelten Gelder were born a born free spent. We have invested PEUGEOT in a solidarity war campaign for the development of Born Free, where 60 budget projects and the housing organization have been spent.

As an official Bildungspartner von Born Free unterstützt PEUGEOT die Arbeit der Organization zum Schutz wildlebender Arten and Lebensräume. Born in a free environment for the protection of wild animals in Kenya and other countries of the world, in the same way the local communities are bound, cultivated and experienced, with wild animals and animals. Since 2023, the PEUGEOT has been born free from construction and storage of trees in Meru-Schutzgebiet in Kenya and also from the Organization of Workshops to Verhalten von Elefanten in local communities. PEUGEOT proposes Born Free with a Landtrek Pickup zur Verfügung, der die in Einsatz ist.

Four EV chargers

The Soul of PEUGEOT for the Campaign ‘Powered by Lions’ wars is the mark of the fight against the war and the people who ermutigen, for Born Free to issue. If the Marke on the Kraft goes from the low setzt, while PEUGEOT dies, the Straßen von Paris with EV-Ladegeräten in Löwenform ausgestattet hat reimburses. For a long time, people can learn about the four Born Free lessons Löwen King, Thea, Dadou and Saida, read the Ladegerät repräsentiert, and scan a QR code to spend. The expenditure comes from the Versorgung dieser low with high wertigem Futter and der fachkundigen Pflege in Shamwari Conservation Center of Born Free in South Africa zugute.

The low-charging activity is of a 360 degree PEUGEOT campaign in social and digital center in all markets and on the PEUGEOT website, the publikum of a landing page is more filled with the low protection degree and can be issued.

An EV Löwenskulptur will be on the PEUGEOT stand from October 14 to October 20 at the Paris Motor Show.

More about the ‘Powered by Lions’ Campaign here:

Will Travers, the supporter of Born Free: “Bei Born Free provide support and protection for support and preserve natural life for future generations. Spend us to carry out the practice with the costs for rettungsaktionen and the lifelong regret of the low in a large katzenauffangstation in South Africa on deck. Electrical appliances and charging stations are an increasingly large component that no longer works. Thanks to the Ladegeräte from PEUGEOT, it has all-time changed into an electric one, it was people crazy and delighted.”

Linda Jackson, CEO of PEUGEOT: “The low value is the success of PEUGEOT. There is an emblem without logos, that is the car you see. As an official Bildungspartner we are committed to the work of Born Free and are responsible for the protection of our environment and our environment, as well as our sensitization activities. The image represents our commitment to PEUGEOT das Herzstück.”