
10 tips for bewerbungspräch and those 3 big Fehler

10 tips for bewerbungspräch and those 3 big Fehler

Munich/Berlin – I’m always busy with a man who is no longer happy, the man will eventually be weiterentwickeln. Or a man who fearlessly looks for a new job. Even so, it was a matter of neutrality: the decision and the consultation process are not discussed. This is not the only situation you find yourself in.

Sebastian Clensmann from Berlin has his own experience as a Bewerbungscoach to his name. Grundsätzlich said: “Bewerben ist gleich verkaufen.” In Diesem Fall the man will make his own choice and when he gives a new suitable presentation.

Sebastian Clensmann is a Bewerbungscoach from Berlin with 12 years of turmoil.
Sebastian Clensmann is a Bewerbungscoach from Berlin with 12 years of turmoil.
© Nils Hasenau
Sebastian Clensmann is a Bewerbungscoach from Berlin with 12 years of turmoil.

by Nils Hasenau


There is a mention of the Meinung: “Gerade in Deutschland ist das keine Disziplin, die grote Gelhrt wird, etwa in der Schule.” Dazu says: “If there is no regularity in the job, feel one of the certain routine.” Both are separated from each other: Vorbereitung and Routine.

Herausforderung Bewerbungsgespräch: “The Boomer Generation is a zurückhaltender”

Is there a generational problem or is Gen Z (born in 1996) different from the Boomer (born between 1956 and 1965)? Clensmann will have an undisputed experience, which itself can work with the Marke “Der Bewerbungscode” with the Generation Boomer hat. “The Boomer generation was so expensive that they weren’t as transportable.”

Zur Generation Z is einschätzung in de vergleich dazu: “If you want, you better be sold.” Signal Fazit: “The best fall is a man and can be purchased.”

Die AZ Fragen mit Clensmann spent:

1. Welch Schritte sind beim Vorstellungspräch zentral?

Clensmann started in four phases: the Selbstpräsentation des Bewerbers. The second phase is described as the Bedarfsermittlung for Gegenüber. Damit meint er: Worauf is dem Beitgeber bei der Stelle an? Welches Soul hat die Position?

First, when the refinancing hat is used, the financing phase can be continued, the release presentation. Sprich: It may be that it is a bewerber or a bewerberin beets, an impulse that is hereditary. The four phase: the “Call-To-Action”.

It seems like there is a summary that is no longer being followed and wants to make a divorce that has been resolved. “The best thing is that the message is not sent, but the Firm says: Wir reports us.” If you want to take the next step: more will be written if you want. “Damit schwebt man nicht in een Zwischenzustand.”

2. Who do I prepare myself for?

“Man is alone in his life and in conversation.” It seems that there is a solidly specified fragment, the man who can erase the expert. Durchaus 25 to 30 Fragen kan ich man seich sour gelegleglegen.

Freilich: “These things were not all said.” There is a lot of interest in the potential arbitrage if man sits on this white hat.

I want to have the love and knowledge of others who are able to spüren-or-the-connection-to-partner-are-strong-that-is-again-self-underständlich-noch-always-infach. Consciously an embedded ritual that can be performed a few times.

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3. What questions could you answer yourself?

Clensmann does not think about a point: where is the person when putting on the work hat. Wichtig: “There is no negative opinion about a former company.” The best thing is that a work situation comes to an end, or the others and not even start working yourself.

In a design it would be a structure that needs to be built up and the Abteilung should be kept to a minimum. That man was knowledgeable, weil man in the work play played hat, würde the Bewerbungscoach daily not sagen, who is with a Lachen as Beispiel not.

Weitere Fragen, auf die man vorbereitet sein sollte: “Warum sollten wir Sie einstellen?”, “Warum ausgerechnet Sie?”, Was since Ihre Stärken (welche man beim Unternehmen einsetzen kann, d. Ed.)?”

This is golden when it comes to the personal individuality of the external system.

4. Was it your own Schwächen?

Auf Fragen in this direction würde Clensmann “ironic answers with perfectionism or etwas Ähnlichem”. If anyone notices he can no longer be hereditary, so man is as good as he can be.

5. Was the man so nervous that the man was confused?

“Kurz durchatmen,” said Clensmann. Der Bewerbungscoach could offend so many people and say: “I am in a situation where I am not so often. There you find it in Diesem Fall: “Ehrlichkeit siegt immer.”

6. Are you happy with people in your life – can you help yourself?

“In the first line of the Entscheider.” Aber: “The whole thing is: I would be happy with my conversations, with my own health and well-being, and I would like to sit there and be aware of them. So it prevents people from having negative experiences with each other.”

7. How about a man who is on the job or a man who is struggling?

Der Rat des Bewerbungscoaches: “Neediness (Bedürftigkeit, d. Red.) is not particularly attractive. I’m best Fall also loose and with a Poker face, damn the Gegenüber thinks, man is not afraid.’

8. Was the spice man auf die Frage nach dem Wunschgehalt?

“Grundsätzlich non een Monatsgehalt and auch kein fixes Jahresgehalt nennen.” Warum? “Man is not a fixed Zahl nehmen, weil man sich sonst von Anfang an das Verhandeln verdirbt.”

Besser: a spannbreite nennen. It will take a while for Grenze to start and Marge to get started. As a play: The man for a lifetime of 50,000 Euro, the man is expected to receive: 50,000 to 55,000 Euro.

9. Was it a positive experience?

It is a sympathy for the referee, it is the Bewerbungscoach who gives a good answer.

Ebenso: der Zeitraum, der als Entscheidungsfirst generated world. Clensmann’s theory: The faster the company is to enter into communication, the greater the chance that the chances will come, so there will be more conversation.

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10. Würde bei ain Ablehnung nachfragen, was man falsch gemacht hat?

No. “With the ant herb, the man who comes, a man cannot please. The companies are zurückhaltend, the gründe zu nennen.” The Zeit and Nerven can spare a man.

Naturally speaking, there is also: “Ablehnung is not beautiful.” If you absolver more conversation man, it will be lighter by the stelwert one of the conversations beziehungsweise der Absage. And the routine is performed regularly. “Dann läuft is in der Regel better.”

It is a big mistake in operation

Was it true that the great Fehler, the man who can make both operations? Here Sebastian Clensmann finds a central punk:

FEHLER 1: Seine Bewerbungsunterlagen nicht so afbereiten, dass si “computerlesbar” sind. When you post a portal to a portal, it is first filtered by the algorithm. Entscheidend sind dabei Keywords, also Stichworte, der Stellenausschreibung.

These are often included in the Bewerbung and the exceedance rate is higher than that of the Bewerbung. “Sonst flee man meist schon raus, before the Unterlagen come into human hands.”

No-Go: “I have, I can, I want”

FEHLER 2: Egozentrisch von sich selbst messages ‒ after the Motto: I have, I can, I will. Clensmann said: “We still thought that the man from the Company was concerned with his own motivation. Aber das is unsinn. It interested the gegenheid herzlich little, was a man, able and willing.”

Vielmehr will erase the potenzielle Arbeitgeber: Was habe ich davon, wenn ich diese Person einstelle? Clensmann puts it this way: “How can we love our person?” This is an advantage for business. Darauf fokussiert muss man seine Fähigkeiten, de Features, herausarbeiten.

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Anja Bauriedel and her husband Stefan in Sweden.

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FEHLER 3: The Bewerbungsfoto is small and hints: “Viele Bewerbungsfotos have never been on the Lebenslauf platziert.” It’s not so comfortable in August. Auch die Größe is often a small gewählt. Der Experte findet: “The Hochkant-Passbild-Format ist ganz schlimm.” So it is wise: “Wir beiten with Business-Porträts” – and black and white.

When the display of the screen appears, the image is complete with left to right in 4:3 format, “that is different when it is placed in the display”. Other: the Lebenslauf is zurück zur Grundschule and auch Hobbies or Ehrenämter dürfen for Clensmann drin stehen. “I am a friend, a complete picture of myself.”