
Boyens Medien: Garden Route for Frühaufsteher: South Africa as Bird Paradise

Boyens Medien: Garden Route for Frühaufsteher: South Africa as Bird Paradise

South Africa has the Panoramastraße as a tourist magnet, while Federvieh is not in Fokus. A new project is the Garden-Route-Besucher nun zu Vogelbeobachtern machen.

Knysna (dpa/tmn) – Knysna gilded as the Pearl of South Africa’s Garden Route. Berühmt could form another low-lying town as the home of the Australian sigh in the country. The luxurious lake fruits come from other South African regions, the Strände and the Coastal Rainforest of the Garden Route are an Urlauber magnet.

Underneath the tisch fällt dabei, dass knysna auch nambeber für gleich three bird arten ist: the relatively small, with a roten habe hairweren knysna-sprecht, the so clear who uncheinbaren knyna-walda Ch Knysna Turaco Heißt.

The following is true: The region is a bird paradise, with approximately 450 birds – and more than half of South Africa’s habitat – part of the Garden Route and the Halbwüste Klein Karoo in the hinterland. A project of the bird protection organization BirdLife South Africa is now a tourist potential that artenvielfalt erschließen.

“If there is a global birdwatcher, then the man will come to South Africa,” says Gästehausbetreiber Tim Carr, who himself founded “Birder”, while the bird lover speaks in English. The Grund is simple: The country can produce endemic art, but also nur dort forkommen. 69 years ago, Angaben from BirdLife South Africa left 50 days ago in the region of the Garden Route and the Little Karoo.

“Bird art is absolutely extreme,” says Carr and says for the next few nights, with a focus on 80 hectares of large reflections of the Eco-Reserve on the edge of the Garden Route-National Parks. The tribe of Mann, who is in the morgendämmerung of the kürzen Hosen, can be regarded as professional Vogelführer.

Der Vogelführer wird fibrig

When the bovine movement began, when it began its invasion in 2005, a pioneering plant was first built and nature’s work ended with over-welding. When de Vögel found a number of interesting finds, he brought natural Baumarten back to the Sami, erklärt Carr.

Behind the mirrored glass Lagunensee Rondevlei the sun rises and the atmosphere appears in a golden light. The Birdführer does not seem to want anything to happen. Plötzlich wird er stumm. In the Netherlands there has been a Knysna Woodpecker reported – with a Klang “who is a rostiges Gartentor”, who Carr is an umschreibt.

Innerhalb von Sekunden wechselt there aus dem Erklär- in a rapid fiebrigen Suchmodus, letztlich aber ergolglos. However, if you do not see the bird, tourism does not serve nature conservation. When you visit the itineraries through the Vögel, the paths of life are interrupted. So the most important thing is the idea. Carr describes the alternative with gallows humor: “The Knysna-Specht live in habitats, which are happy for the construction of golf courses and leisure activities.”

Brauchen also de Vögel a Lobby. Seitenweise hat BirdLife South Africa Statistics together, which the people’s economics Wert von Reisen auf de Spuren von Kapfelsenspringer, Kaphonigvogel und Co. stale soles.

“Vogelfreund-freundliche” Unterkünfte

In 2023, the Bird Protection Society started an initiative, bird watching tourism was established and the Arbeitsplätze bought soll. De Provinzregierung des Westkaps unterstützt das Programm. An overview of the bird watching species and “bird friendship friends” can now be found on a website. In Online-Kursen, local Guest Housekeepers and Guides are more welcome, one of the Bedürfnisse von Birdern is something zu können.

If the Kurs has an absolute hat, it is Ethan le Fleur. On the 24th anniversary of Nelson-Mandela University on the next George, in 2023 with his diploma in wildlife conservation in the Tasche, he became Job as a Ranger and guide in the Gourikwa Nature Reserve. Fünf Kilometer Küste zählen zum private Schutzgebiet.

Le Fleur has fallen on a grand scale, the surf of the Indian Ozeans is not as simple as the fierce schlägt. A few hundred meters later, a small herd of zebras roams through the Strauchwerk.

When the Fleur is busy here, the area serves as a Konferenzzentrum and Ferienhaussiedlung, the last 2000 Hektar Wildnis starts at Beachtung. Just do that if it’s okay. Heute führt le Fleur neben Urlaubern auch Schulklasses auf «Vogelhunt» by de Busch – confident nur with Bestimmungskarten and Fernglas bewaffnet.

“There may have been many different living spaces here, but also a number of different birds,” says one of the energetic men approaching. 120 Arten hater bisher zischen Küste, Feuchtgebieten und der für die Kapregion pregenden Fynbos-Landschaft gezählt.

Bird pirsch in der Früh

“Most children do not know the einheimische bird art”, says the flower and the gift, that is one of the things I can do. A mask pistol, when he was on campus, was taken into account by his Nachforschung. If you see the Birder virus in the Griff, this is a different party.

Christiaan Viljoen did a good job. The Kurator of the Botanical Gardens in George, the big city and the Garden Route, has to get extra water, but also no interesting work of his own on the bird pyramid. “Eine Vogelführung will man at 6 o’clock tomorrow,” said, weil that is nice to be alive then and be active during that time.

If I follow this, I will get to know a Kreislauf des Lebens. The Besucher-herfahren, the Larvae of the Schmetterlings Acraea horta sich von the grim blausäurehaltigen of the Baumart Kiggelaria africana ernähren, a gift that itself is its speichern and will thus become uninteresting for most Fressfeinde. The Ausnahme sind Kuckucksarten who of the Goldkuckuck, the Smaragdkuckuck and the Klaaskuckuck: You can find the Larvae and an entsprechend häufig bei the entsprechenden Bäumen zu find.

“Man cannot even go one step further than four Baumarten activities, while a man can view all the works of art,” said Viljoen – and würden on the Vögel zurückkehren. In a botanical garden it is a good way. Part of the rest of the Garden Route started reserving a renaturation long ago – to the Wohle of the Vögel and the Freude of the Vogelbeobachter.

Tips, Links, Practical:

Lage: Die Garden Route is located in the South African Provinz Westkap, about 400 kilometers east of Kapstadt.

An- and Einreise: Per Flug nach Kapstadt or George, weiter in Mietwagen. For a stay up to 90 days, the visa is free of charge at the Einreise ausgestellt.

Best Travel Time: Ganzjährig. In the summer of Südhalbkugel (November to March) it is often the case that the winter is very cold in winter.

Unterkunft: Chalets and Luxus-Zelte can be built in Reflections Eco-Reserve, Hütten and Villas in Meeresnähe in Gourikwa-Naturreservat.

Health: It is not possible to prevent infections or prophylaxis, which can cause you to contract a pathogen against Hepatitis A.

Währung: Ein Euro entspricht 19.35 Südafrikanischen Rand (Stand: 9.10.2024).

Time: Keine Zeitverschiebung in German summer time, in winter time South Africa is a tourist destination.

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