
Suche in der Ilmenau – Erneute Suche nach vermisstem Studenten startet – Panorama

Suche in der Ilmenau – Erneute Suche nach vermisstem Studenten startet – Panorama

Melbeck (dpa) – Die erneute als dem bei a party en de Ilmenau verschwundenen students have started. Taucher and a sonar boat such as the Fluss will say the Melbeck and Lüneburg in the 19-Jährigen ab, zwischen dem Niedersächsischen Melbeck and Lüneburg nach, a Polizeisprecher. Otherwise as a service day since all the weather Hubschrauber nor Bereitschaftspolizei im Einsatz. It was not the first time that a missing person had been reported, “son na een körper”, erklärte der Sprecher.

The war of 19 years after the police was robbed, if an impulse was given in the night zum Samstag. The young man hates other students from Hamburg and a party at a campsite on the Ilmenau in Melbeck. At 11:00 PM the day of the 19-year period was also passed. The students plant, on the land of the übernachten. The missing person is a student during the first semester at the Technical University of Hamburg.

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