
Prozess vor dem EuGH: Bayern loses their way to Markenrechte an Neuschwanstein – Bayern

Prozess vor dem EuGH: Bayern loses their way to Markenrechte an Neuschwanstein – Bayern

The Free State has lost a streak over the Markenrechte für Schloss Neuschwanstein. It is the Court of Justice of the European Union (EuGH) in the Mittwoch in an Urteil exploration. Because the German Federal Association “Souvenir Geschenke Ehrenpreise” has left the Marke “Neuschwanstein”, it joined the European Union for Geistiges Eigentum (Euipo) in 2019 for welding. The free state wants to make this eintragung voor nichtig erklären lassen, bei den Richtern aber letztlich mit seiner Argumentation, die alteren Rechte and der Geschäftsbezeichnung “Neuschwanstein” to stop.

The rights to the castle’s market name are increasingly focused on German and European messages. Since 2018, the EuGH has had the freedom of the Straight and Neuschwanstein Zuerkannt, where Bayern dares to ask for the best souvenirs and porcelain bags. During 2019, Marke Neuschwanstein used the Bundesverbands “Souvenir Geschenke Ehrenpreise”, no longer for the Souvenir article, for the Beispiel for Schmuck, Haushaltswaren and Kleedung. The Antrag Bayerns, this eintragung voor nichtig zu erclaren, hatte das europäische Amt im mei 2023 zurückgewiesen, weighed themselves of the Freistaat for the EuGH-wehrte.

The Free State has lost its best efforts

During the Urteil-stellten the Richter festival, the freedom of the free state can no longer have any power over the Geschäftsbezeichnung „Neuschwanstein“, and also for the Betrieb museums. If you do not recognize that the free state has the Marke nach deutschem Recht erworben.

It was a year ago that Bayern had another lawsuit before the Oberlandesgericht Munich with the right of names and the lost castle. The Freistaat wants to visit the “Explorer Hotel Neuschwanstein” in Nesselwang Zingen, the names of the Schlosses zu Streichen. The goal is not for the hotel names to help you choose the best one or the hotel guests in the wrong situation. The Free State was nevertheless not deprived of its rights.