
Aldi is the most popular supermarket in Germany

Aldi is the most popular supermarket in Germany

Dieser Discounter is located here

Here the Deutschen can be a lie

Einkaufswagen with Obst and Gemüse.

While eight is making money in Germany, it looks like it’s a Discounter.

Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archiv

When Lebensmitteln comes to the price!

I am a Supermarket Ranking who has a Discounter on Platz Eins. This said: If it is a Wocheneinkauf, schauen wir vor allem aufs Geld.

I am a favorite purchaser at Discountern

Do you want to maintain regularity in your life? On this page, 57 Prozent bei a Umfrage von Statista Consumer Insight was answered with “Aldi”: Der Discounter lands in the supermarket rankings at Platz Eins. With nur zwei Prozentpunkten Go to Lidl on Platz Zwei. “The Germans are also more conscious of their lifestyle,” explains Matthias Janson, Daten-Journalist at Statista, die Ergebnisse. Allerdings: Der Abstand zu den Supermärkten Rewe und Edeka is not so large.

Infography: How can I buy German Lebensmittel? | Statistical More information can be found at Statista

Lese-Tipp: Ab 1 Euro Einkaufswert: Bei Aldi Nord könnt ihr jetzt Bargeld

Do you enjoy seeing Team Aldi – or maybe you want to achieve something? Here you can abstimize!

This also applies to Non-Food and Discounter

If a Haushalts- or Schreibwaren, a Heimtextilien or Sportartikelen is, a Discounter can be sure. Allerdings grifen Kundinnen und Kunden immer weniger auf de Wühltischen von Aldi en Co. zu. Statistics are for non-food discounters such as Action, Tedi and Woolworth. The first half year 2022 and 2024 since the Non-Food Purchases of the Consumers in Germany are worth 2.6 to 3.2 billion euros. It is a fact that YouGov’s customer has supported the Marktforschers Consumer Panel Services (CPS) GfK. Some time ago I found the Umsätze von Lebensmittel-Discountern at Aldi and Lidl in the Non-Food sector of four to 3.5 billion euros.

Lese-Tipp: A packaging and raus: In diesem Supermarkt muss man nicht zur Kasse

For Aldi and Lidl, the enjoyment of markets in the Non-Food area is a pleasure. The products, the products you can use, have the discount frequency higher than the frequency and margin. Other Händler companies think they should have their Non-Food-Geschäft. This may be the result of a disruption in the purchase of items, the Deko-Kette-Depot reports insolvency in July. (iga with dpa)


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