
Küchenbrand in Salzburger Hotel: Zwei Mitarbeitende im Spital

Küchenbrand in Salzburger Hotel: Zwei Mitarbeitende im Spital

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Angestellte bekämpft Flammen selbst

symb_Feuerwehrmann, symb_Floriani


A kitchen fire at night in the medium term in the stock of a hotel in the Salzburger Altstadt aus. (SYMBOL)

This is a kitchen fire and a long night in a hotel in the Salzburger Altstadt. Two of the ways in which the suspect was exposed to gas poisoning in the Spital had to be taken into account.

A kitchen fire at night in the medium term in the stock of a hotel in the Salzburger Altstadt aus. A protector could solve the flames himself. If a college reports the thought of the redemption in the Spital, the message is sent by the police on the nachmittag. The turmoil of the climate is one of the benefits of the environment and can be enjoyed after a few hours.

(Quelle: SALZBURG24)

Founded on 16.10.2024 at 03:45 at