
“Complete Brutalität”: Gießen lernt und muss Fink ersetzen

The FC Gießen is busy in August and can still play on the field for a long time with a Spielertrainer view. Dennoch ist der Aufsteiger fest vom Klassenerhalt überzeugt.

Player trainer Michael Fink (right, here in the Geschäftsführer Michèl Magel) has played on the Platz for a long time.

Player trainer Michael Fink (right, here in the Geschäftsführer Michèl Magel) has played on the Platz for a long time.
IMAGE/Oliver Vogler

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A platzverweis, two Elfmeter and a new attempt at Tore: The wild 4:5 of FC Gießen at Göppinger SV war and Dramatik kaum überbieten – and rückte angesichts dieser Nachricht but also in the background: Michael Fink who is in the final phase of the game That’s the progress of Kreuzband geissen. The FCG now has a monatelang auf seinen Spielertrainer – zomindest in dem Veld – verzichten muss, schmerzt weitaus more als de vermeidbare Niederlage in Aufsteigerduell.

Geschäftsführer Michèl Magel spoke of “a very bitter feeling for Michael and the Geese Society”: “I can now go to court, that is the place I am happy with, that is such a great career, but that is not the end.” The Hiobsbotschaft from the autumn of the ehemalige Bundesliga-Akteurs trifles the amateur Hessenliga-Meister into a phase, in the glück that no longer lasts. Durchaus prechende Leistungen stehen konträrar zur ernüchternden Punktausbeute. See the 3:1-Heimsieg against the KSV Hessen Kassel At the end of August, the match was led by the danach of SG Barockstadt Gewechselten Ex-coaches Daniyel Cimen, in the Klub not yet punkte. “If a man knew about the Ergebnisse and others thought he was a good trainer, this would not be the case,” says Wessam Abdel-Ghani. Gießens Kapitäntestiert Fink en seinem Steek een “überragende Job”: “Wir fühlen us sehr gut, sehr sicher with the Trainern. If you live with your man, we will never be happy.”

Hessen-Duelle vor der Brust

Auch Magel will not use the Wort “Krise”, an active low bovine one of the Waldstadion zu beschreiben: “That stops ich nicht für brought. The Jungs become everything, they play an attractive football. Man can no longer play.” Vielmehr introduces the young team to the “complete Brutalität der Regionalliga”. Never mind the wolle man for the future arrivals “die Ärmel hochkrempeln” (Magel). When the game is played, it is a good idea, the class of the players – that must be consciously signaled.

With TSV Steinbach Haiger (19.10.), Kickers Offenbach (25.10.) and FSV Frankfurt (2.11.) the Hessen-Duel was now at FC Gießen, a glimpse into statistics that I could win. Vier seiner-insgesamt eleven Zähler results from the two hose absolvierten Partien gegen hessian Rivals. For allem beim 3:1 against Kassel wusste der Tablelen-14. if you switch, you will go to the SG Barockstadt in a siege of the kitchen in 2:2.

Clearly, Abdel-Ghani said: “We are always equal, we have to play with it. We always enjoy our games. Naturally, we have to respect our man’s personality, but we will not be afraid of fear.” The 30th edition of FCG-Trikot in 2022 featured the Eintracht Stadhalendorf Regionalliga-Erfahrung, which had a learning process. “Es since first one’s own party has been absolved. I have no problems with it, so we will have to deal with the Klassenerhalt. Aber we will have to wait for more games.”

Arcanjo-Köhler and Besso Sperrt

Zweifellos with Michael Fink’s long pause on the statistics of the films played. Zwar thought that in the youthful transition heit would last so long, that the role would work on the platform and that the trainer team would follow his training – could see the eleven who had never been focused on the long-term professional. Gezwungenermaßen muss sie die nun. A Fink from his central defensive position with an attack in the form of a swirling action from setzen might, back through another action zwangsläufig nor more in the Focus: in the first line Mittelfeldmann Tolga Duran and Allzweckwaffe Abdel-Ghani, from his niece now as left Verteidiger , under the Sechs-wohlfühlt. Furthermore, Nicola Arcanjo-Köhler and Pietro Besso will become more responsible. Both leftovers since living, but that is a Nachwirkung der Göppingen-Partie, all things restricted. Sechser Arcanjo-Köhler goes to the first Halbzeit of the Ampelkarte. Innenverteidiger Pietro Besso, from the season he is in the Start Formation position, finds his nice card.