
Zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit – DW – 15.10.2024

Zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit – DW – 15.10.2024

The karge-küstenlandschaft cannot deal with reality: another world is a coffin, from a blattloser Baum-ragt. The moment there is a Körper, a springy Pferd comes in. Three schmelzende Taschenuhren hangen wie nasse Handtücher hereum, one vierte ist von Ameisen inhabit. With the Gemälde “Die Beständigkeit der Erinnerung” from 1931, Salvador Dalí (1904-1989) had a traumatic experience, rich in symbols. This is the best image of the Spanish Malers – it is one of the icons of surrealism.

The artist Salvador Dali kept a statue in the room
Surrealist with Spitzbart: Der Spanier Salvador Dalí zählte zählte zähltigsten Vertretern der KunstströmungImage: AFP/photo alliance

Absence of the bourgeois Zeitgeist

Rückblick in Paris der “Les Années Folles”, der Goldenen Zwanziger Jahre: Nach den Gräueln des Ersten Weltkriegs (1914-1918) man is hungry after life, man is restless and drunk and there is a good chance that there are. 1924 electrifies the Olympic Games in Stadt. With the Sportlern streams, Künstler, Schriftsteller, Musiker und Intellektuelle nach Paris en machen es zum kulturellen Zentrum Europas. If you do that, it is no longer the case that a wolf society can have such a barbaric Krieg. You can think of a radical thought.

It is a political-artistic approach that takes shape in this way. Ob Maler, Filmemacher, Literaten or Musiker: Die Anhänger der Nieuwe Kunstrichtung makes the bourgeois zeitgeist an Absage.

A new Wiklichkeit

Those surrealists such as – abseits von Logik und Rationalität – nach een nieuw, higher Wirklichkeit, der Surrealität: Das Unbewusste, Träume, Rauschzustände, unterdrückte Begierden, Visionen, verrückte Ideen – all das braucht es, wie die surrealists meinen, um die Gesellschaft von ihren morally Fesseln zu befreien. Inspired by the Traumdeutung Sigmund Freud’s (1856-1939) wollen sie “den Schleier der Realität zerreißen”.

Andre Breton rushes for the glasses
Der Vordenker und Anführer der Surrealisten – André BretonBild: Alliance Heritage-Images/photo

One of our leaders is André Breton, a French writer and critic. In October 1924, the first manifesto of Surrealism was unveiled, marking the new movement in the art monarch. “I can find one of the many ways to make life and the magic of an art more absolutely real, when man can become like this: surreal.”

These new gilded examples, the damals of traditional art history, as provocative and naively anarchic. There are many art teachers and teachers who have been inspired by the new inspirational effect.

Von Pfeifen and Augäpfeln

That is what “La trahison des images” (Der Verrat der Bilder) des Belgiers René Magritte: Sein Gemälde zegt eine Pfeife, darunter steht die Behauptung “Ceci n’est pas une pipe” (Das ist keine Pfeife). It’s a good thing that things are going well; Schließlich see with little Pfeife, son of a statue of a Pfeife.

A woman has taken on the image of a person, but that is not the case "Ceci n'est pas une pipe."
“Dies ist keine Pfeife” was written by René Magrittes Gemälde eener PfeifeImage: IAN LANGSDON/dpa/picture alliance

With the Schwarz-Weiß-Film “Ein andalusischer Hund”, the Spanish director Luis Buñuel brought his sister and his friend Salvador Dalí a first surrealist work on the china wall. The treatment is specific to the circumstances of both: When Prolog provides a Mann with a Rasiermesser, then a Wolke am Vollmond vorbei. You follow the shocking situation, in the man a woman with the rasiermesser through the augapfelschneidet. There is no film that is rational, logical or cultural, but the title is a matter of inhalation.

The Rebellion of the Surrealists

The German Maler Max Ernst (1891-1976) is a surrealist of the first stages. There are spectacular fantasy landscapes, populated by Phantasiefigures. If you use the backsliding technique, you move with Frottage to the upper surface structure of the material during the “pause” on the paper. The trump technique of Jackson Pollock, a pioneer of American-American abstract expressionism, was repeated with “Drip Painting”.

Gemälde von Max Ernst: Künstler des Surrealismus sitzen en stehen nebeneinander
Max Ernst combined his loving friendship on the song “Au rendez-vous des amis”Image: Snark Archive/Photo12/picture alliance

Many photographs by the Surrealists show the most diverse images. Berühmt was born with the Pelzüberzogene Teetasse der Berlinerin Meret Oppenheim (1913-1985). Verdrehte Perspektiven, werknissige Wesen: Häufig los Künstler die Dinge aus ihrem wohnten Zusammenhang, kombinierten si new and very bright so a view on the World. The image comes from the emotional Selbstporträt “Henry Ford Hospital” by Frida Kahlos from 1932. The Mexican woman (1907-1954) said that she had fled after a seizure.

Another man cannot have any Gemälde
Joan Miró 1978 has made an image of a seine ship Bild: AP Photo/photo alliance

The Circle of Surrealists has not found Katalane Joan Miró (1893-1983), a poet from Farben. Oder der Bretone Yves Tanguy (1900-1955), his landscape landscape is a part of his family life. About the German-Französischen Maler Jean Arp (1886-1966) or the American-American photographers, film director, Maler and Objektkünstler Man Ray alias Michael Rudnitzky (1890-1976). Sein in Paris 1924 entstandenes Aktfoto der Frau mit dem Geigenkörper “Le Violon d’Ingres” knows heute jeder. Before going to auction at Christie’s for $12.4 million years, the most photography is all the time.

And André Breton? There is a breadth that is one of the “automatic documents”, an intuitive method of writing, with its images, ideas and ideas on paper: free association as a new form of poems and experiments with literature. Breton described the process as “Denkdiktat ohne jede Kontrolle der Vernunft”. I think I will only die if I get the chance to warm up, almost neither in the Halbschlaf, nor in the Schreibtische setzt and die in the Dämmerzustand-forms Sätze aufschreibt.

Jubiläumsausstellungen weltweit

A Mann is steht for a photography, which a Frauenrücken with aufgemalten Vioolschlüsseln said
Nor een Ikone des Surrealismus: Man Rays Fotografie zed een Frauenrücken met aufgemalten ViolinschlüsselnImage: FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA/dpa/picture alliance

The surrealists who rebel become normative and gewohnheiten. They write and film with logic and pragmatism – and for equality. With the Mitteln der Kunst, a social revolution will take place. If you are revolutionary for our entire world, it is a new way to gain new insights and teach machines that enable greater representation of reality and virtuality. If the art movement of surrealism disappears, it is no longer possible to date it, but vermutlich with the new art directions after the Zweiten Weltkrieg 1945, etwa des abstract expressionism in the USA.

When the surrealists can no longer be fooled, they will be one of the many Wirkens pilgrims. Das Pariser Center Pompidou roll with a Blockbuster-Schau in the rotten Teppich, nor until January 2025, but then during the Europe tour. The Hamburger Kunsthalledas Lenbachhaus in Munich and many other museums are working on the Globus of the Ausstellungsreigen in the anniversary year of the Surrealists.