
ZF reaches Saarbrücken Jobs – 1,800 deadlines until end 2025

ZF reaches Saarbrücken Jobs – 1,800 deadlines until end 2025

Im ZF-Werk in Saarbrücken where the Führungskräfte was informed, and then the Beschäftigten: Bis End des Jahres 2025 dropped first ever 1800 Jobs in Saarbrücken gone.

Is there a debt in Autoland Saarland?

Audio (SR 3, Moderation: Simin Sadeghi/im Gespräch: Wolfgang Wirtz-Nentwig, SR-Wirtschaftsredaktion., 16.10.2024, length: 04:20 min.)

Is there a debt in Autoland Saarland?

By the end of 2025, 1,800 jobs will be created at ZF in Saarbrücken. If the Auftragslage is no longer implemented, half of the 10,000 couples could disappear by 2028. Who kam es dazu? Einzelheiten von Wolfgang Wirtz-Nentwig, chef of the SR-Wirtschaftsredaktion

If the Auftragslage is so flexible, the end of the year 2028 could leave even more jobs, insgesamt up to 4500 Arbeitsplätze. Derzeit work erd 10,000 Menschen im Saarbrücker ZF-Werk.

The Geschäftsleitung tells the SR with, the Abbau is one of the best prospects for all product line activities and at the location of the world. With the Gewerkschaft IG Metall soll nun de socialverträgliche Umsetzung were prüft.

ZF stretches Arbeitsplätze in Saarbrücken


ZF stretches Arbeitsplätze in Saarbrücken

Wegfall trifft befristete Mitarbeiter

The loss of the first 1800 workplaces until the end of 2025 would all be achieved with the Auslaufen von befristeten Verträgen. If you inform the Betriebsrat about the Belegschaft about the Treaty with the Geschäftsleitung and about the Mitarbeitern, then Einzelgespräche about the Zukunftssorgen.

The next meetings of IG Metall and the Geschäftsführung of Jobabbau are planned for Freitag.

Supported by the ZF-Mitarbeitenden

Audio (SR 3, Aaron Klein, 16.10.2024, length: 03:12 min.)

Supported by the ZF-Mitarbeitenden

Barke has called on E-Autos

The separation of ZF-Managements is not new. If this is not the case, Economic Minister Jürgen Barke (SPD) has done this.

“The Landesregierung has the clear business operations and management, the Arbeitsplätze has reached a high level at the highest level. It is clear: The stelabbau is the result of the weltweitenlegal situation on the E-Car market. An urgent reason to go to the Federal and the EU- to go Ebene dafüren, dass die Nachfrage wieder anzieht.”

The government has agreed a million dollars with ZF, a Saarbrücken zum Leitwerk for electromobility of machines. This is the man who goes further.

CDU criticizes Ampelpolitik

The CDU faction in the Landtag criticism focuses on the ZF-Pläne de Politik der Ampelregierung. “The fatal economic policy of the rotten people has resulted in a deindustrialization in Germany, which is very common here in Saarland. The Stellenabbau in ZF is a serious play here, but a leader is not the only one,” said Christopher Salm (CDU). ), Mitglied im Wirtschaftsausschuss.

Another Stellenabbau used in the year 2025 would be a stand that would be safe. If it is so, the clarity in the Ansiedlungspläne of Wolfspeed in Ensdorf is komme, das een kooperationsprojekt with ZF sei.

This topic is on the SR info-Nachrichten im Radio am 15.10.2024 message set.