
Pleite von «Jensens Food Lab» in Baden: Konkursverfahren eingestellt

Pleite von «Jensens Food Lab» in Baden: Konkursverfahren eingestellt

After the plea of ​​«Jensen’s Food Lab»: Konkursverfahren der Geissepeter GmbH has been agreed

Geissenpeter CEO Robin Deeb Jensen from Wettingen runs his own restaurants in Aargau. Anfang 2023 must be all schliessen. Ex-partner for the fehlende Löhne. Welche Möglichkeiten sie und meer Gläubiger nun noch haben.

The Geissepeter Gruppe is involved in the «Jensen's Food Lab» branches in the Baden region.

The Geissepeter Gruppe is involved in the «Jensen’s Food Lab» branches in the Baden region.

Image: Valentin Hehli

Der Wettinger Robin Deeb Jensen works at Geissepeter GmbH and a beach restaurant in the field of gastronomy. From 2017 to Anfang 2023 there will be bis zu zwölf restaurants in the Baden region and in Aargau. You can go to the Burger- and Hotdog-Kette «Jensen’s Food Lab» with branches in Untersiggenthal, in Baden on Mellingerstrasse and Haselstrasse.

Jene in Siggenthal enjoyed the reviews of restaurant testers Daniel Bumann in 2018. The restaurant Mülli in Mülligen was operated by Jensen under the Birä GmbH.

Vom Fast-Food-Imperium is no longer suitable for use. Jensen must report all local seals and Konkurs in August 2023 (diese Zeitungberichtete). Now the Konkursamt Aargau with the Konkursverfahren for the Geissepeter GmbH has been put into use. There were mangles active as geschlossen erklärt, Gläubiger does not fall bis spatestens zum 26. October the duration of the desire and the coverage of the costs of a vorschuss of 3000 Francs leisten.

Within this time it should be possible to send a message to the konkursamt, the debtors will be expected or when they are a Guthaben hat, which is in the Mitteilung.

Ex-interviewee warteten auf ihre Löhne

On October 26, the Kapitel der Geissepeter GmbH will also go to Ende. After the Konkurseröffnung registered in October 2023, ex-supporter started with that time and experience, but he is still unable to learn and study. You can use and equip Jensen.

Ex-restaurant manager René Keel, who started school in the fall of 2023, reported to the Badener Tagblatt and spoke about three Ex-Angestellten, the keine Löhne more available. Skel verriet, dass die Geissepeter GmbH has a charitable and regional Betrieben Geld debt. Instructing the device is an attack on a safe bet.

Robin Deb Jensen was the CEO of the Geissepeter Gruppe.

Robin Deb Jensen was the CEO of the Geissepeter Gruppe.

Image: Britta Gut

Jensen fights damals on Anfrage, that is only Ex-Mitarbeitende tatsächlich nor Geld zugute hätten. “I have closed off a large part of my private life. Ein solches Ende tut mir für meine Mitarbeiter von Herzen led.» And: “The fehlenden involvement was obtained with the Erlösen of the Konkurs, so that the Erlös decks the Forderungen.”

Since these debts are now being reported, it is unknown. There is a betrayal, but it is an ex-military who did not receive any money.