
Communication: Who is born in my life

Communication: Who is born in my life

Streiten ist für unsere Autorin das Bad der Kommunikation: fühlt sich first gut an, wenn man es hinter sich hat. We are proud of our warm welcome – and are welcome with a talk show moderator during the conversation.

I begin with a single gesture: I have already developed. If you have such an inherent character, you would not be able to cope with it, but you would not be concerned about disharmonie, a drama queen, but you would never be able to internalize misogyny. Bei mir herrscht Frieden. Aber im Inneren tobt ein Kampf.

Denn: je älter ich werke, desto mehr ärgere ich mich. Other than that, more than anything else. Wenn ich in Situationen gerate, in denen ich gar nicht sein will, zum Beispiel. Wenn ich things höre, die me verletszen, sie aber herunterschlucke. Wenn I have rotten cheeks and sod brenner nachhause hehe.

I know, that is important, so I can stretch. You are more likely to be more careful, you are more likely to be right, you are more likely to be wider. Therefore, my own efforts “I have to stretch” with ease in a small way “I cannot stretch”.

First of all, I am with friends and family with their neighbors and messages from the problem. Mein Sitznachbar Roland schaute mich erstaunt an. There – self-employed Journalist – habe but gerade that an individual Beruf geliebt, that free Streiten, die Debatten in der Redaktion. Mir became warm. Yes, sir, shouldn’t I be able to do that on its own? “First and foremost, man, then you can drink beer and drink it. That’s the main thing,” he said.

Birte Karalus: Let us stretch!

“Lasst uns streiten!” von Birte Karalus, Ariston Verlag, 22 Euro

© Ariston / PR

As my only last day that Fahne von “Lasst uns streiten!” in die Hände fällt, komme ich aus der Sache nicht mehr heraus: Ich muss das lernen. Also leave ich Birte Karalus an, die Autorin genannten Werks. My name comes with my name, who is a current talk show moderator, a job, and my Spitz names “Krawallus” one day. Gefällt ihr nicht, erfahre ich, als ich sie darauf anspreche – mir dafür umso besser, schließlich will I but endlich mal auf Krawall gebürstet. “I may still have a stretch,” enttäuscht Karalus mich. But Konflikken may be sie nor weniger.

Find the Streitliesel in dir

I am so harmonious, that I am not at a stop, when other people are present. Selbst, wenn sie, nach eigenen Aussagen, but now we debate. Schneiden wir am Familientisch polititische Discussionen an, gehe ich in Habachtstellung – und versuche crampfhaft das Thema umzulenken. Frau Karalus glaubt, das liege auch am Geschlecht: “In particular, we know that women are on a motorway on the other side of the road, which means that they are not strong enough. Streiten is unschön. Then there is your own Streitliesel. That won’t be the case.”

Vermeidung ist die logical Konsequenz – aus Angst vor Fehlern, Liebesentzug, nicht Zuletzt aber: vor Veränderung. That’s the right thing to do when it comes to positive signals. Bestenfalls lose a lot of things, find out more about their future lives, bring us more and see then, let Karalus, sogar ein “Beziehungsverstärker”.

Should I also first achieve this goal, because I am anxious about having positive experiences before writing? I would like to have a talk show session, but I would like to use the wall. “That is emotions that are expressed”, Karalus immediately concludes, “that we know as a matter of course”, so it is not a matter of course. Der Gegenvorschlag lautet: Konflikken in Ruhe und Freundlichkeit angehen. Wer good Argumente habe, brauche nicht laut zijn. could be better than their husbands anyway.”We have heavy conflict. If we are in a clear relationship, then we will find our solution orientation.” see if you want to be obachtung. Es sei us nur nicht bewusst.

Im Laufe unseres Gesprächs merke ich Birte Karalus ihren Beruf als Mediatorin an. Sie gibt mir – auf Nachfrage – black with concrete Tipps (siehe Box). But if you decide for yourself, it will determine everything for the setting. That starts beautifully speaking. Karalus nennt den Streit fell lieber Auseinandersetzung. And we have an open image campaign for content.

5 Tips for Friendly Streiten von Birte Karalus

  • With Ich-Botschaften anfangen: “I have a problem, even though I could speak to it.”
  • The detailed instructions are clear and you can begin to understand them: “The most important aspects are well-functioning, constructive steps are, first and foremost clear. Is it necessary to work on diesel fuel?”
  • The Sache von der Person tranen – und auf Augenhöhe bleiben: “Wir können Interessen angehen, aber niemals die Person..”
  • Enjoy a relaxed and friendly environment:I have a conflict in my life in a friendly environment.” That’s why: “Nobody, there are good arguments, must be aggressive.”
  • Recognize that the man himself is not alone, but he does not have to worry about it: “We can come to the Punkt, we are not going to come in the bag. Aber unser restliches Leben functions better than that.”

Streiten begins with a small part, which is your self-esteem

Die best Nachricht für mich: Streiten lernen bedeutet nicht learning by doing. The most important training signals can be found with the self-assessment. Dafür soll ich mir einen Konflikt voorellen. Stichwort innerer Kampf. “Were we different in our lives if we were confronted with conflict? Who would you like to be close to tomorrow, let’s wait and see?”Birte Karalus frags. Wenn das daraus entstehende Gefühl Motivation genug sei, hieße es: ab in den Ring.

Im Ring boxes men selten against others. Jedes Mal, wenn das Bauchgefühl anschlägt, man etwas sagen möchte, aber nicht tut, einen Streit vermeidet, kampft man gegen sich. We strive hard, learn more, for our own sake. The most beautiful effect for Karalus: “Man has his own soul”. Clear the way to eat the bread. In the environment, the comfort is lived, protested, and is untouched. “Ihr ganzes System wird sagen: was passionert da gerade? Whoso machst du das?”

But if you dare to look at a small house for a long time: if you have a good bedtime, a pleasant atmosphere and a clear communication, you will be happy in your own environment, in this way you will be able to enjoy your life. That’s what Birte Karalus was like during the talk show: “I could live freely. I could live freely. And that was the reason why we had problems.”

After the telephony I would like to communicate with them and enjoy their conversations. Später am Abend streiten wir us. I am happy to be provoziert. Mein Vater grins zufrieden. Ob es ein selbsterfüllende Prophezeiung ist oder er mich trainieren will – ich weiß es nicht. Aber wir trinken danach noch ein Beer zeeammen.
