
Kulturstiftung Crespo Foundation: Der leise Sound

Kulturstiftung Crespo Foundation: Der leise Sound

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Kulturstiftung Crespo Foundation: Der leise Sound
Live and relax, enjoy your time in a quiet place. © Michael Schick

The Kulturstiftung Crespo Foundation öffnet with a larger party in the new Haus am Karmeliterkloster.

The wonderful Stille from Glenkeen Garden hears the man with his eyes open. I am “Open Space” in the Untergeschoss in Halbdunkel for the larger digital photo wall. Image and nature, an unobstructed tone of a particular image or image of the background. Meeresrauschen, Grashalme und Blumen im Wind, Wasserpflanzen umplayen nackte Haut, behind a Hügelkette is a clearer Vollmond auf. “That’s the tone, when we meet ourselves in the movement,” one lady explains to another, who “doesn’t hear the wind.” Of course, and if someone has an idea, he can follow nature conservation in any of the following situations.

The kopfhorer goes from the Silent to a rolled up Wuseln. If man is in the foyer in the erdgeschoss, man can no longer look at the medium term if the tag of offensive houses is in the Samstag. Music, music, Trubel and the bar, a knit started creating treppe effects after playing a game in the second part, after everyone got the impression that it was Raumidee. This Museum Silence does not appear here. Not a diesem Wochenende, da soll die Gesamtidee des Hauses zum Tragen kommen, an art and investment type to buy, for Frankfurterinnen and Frankfurter. “Ein Haus, das eine erlebbare Verbindung von Kunst, Bildung und Sozialem ermöglicht”, heißt es im Konzept der Crespo Foundation.

So it is so, and a diesem eröffnungswochenende am the best of everything together in open Räumen with open Türen and fell Menschen aller Altersstufen with fellfältigen Interestes. The Crespo Stiftung geförderten Initiativen en Organizations present themselves in the fourth Stock of the new Doppelhauses directly near the Karmeliterkloster for, an orderly Mischiung aus Spiel and Tanz, Gesprech and Musik as well as Kindergewusel. The authoritarian Nilufar Karkhiran Khozani must drive in his “Wortmeldungen” under the Treppe zum Untergeschoss de Lärm der Fußtritte über ihr, a few meters further than Jan Wagner at the lake Ruhe who was given the message “Notizen von der Bucht des Brüllenden Wassers”. Kein Wunder, ganz normal, dass Handy-Menschen und miteinander sprechende Paare/Passant: in mittens due to the fast current.

Jedenfalls heute. Gut, that Wagner’s Limericks in classical Fünf-Zeiler-Rhythmus auch schriftlich vorliegen. The sound of Glenkeen Garden is a warm-up and a great quiet time. Glenkeen is the “beautiful valley” in Irish, the Ganze is a landscape park on the south-west coast of Ireland. Geschaffen von de Frau, de Stiftung zu verdanken ist, der Fotografin, Psychologin und Conferenden Frankfurterin Ulrike Crespo, als een Ort für Künstlerinnen und Künstler.

During the year for jewelery three Monate, the Crespo Foundation will be present since 2021. Artists and artists are inter- and transdisziplinären Austausch about Art and Nature and Man and their Inspiration and the beautiful Irish Coast. “The Glenkeen Variations” is now the first Ausstellung in the new Open Space title, which will be broadcast on January 26, 2025 by an international art and art teacher. An example: the trip to “Glenkeen Garden” in the foundation’s larger art space is an indisputable fact, so that the coming period can provide more inspiration. See the “Königliche Museum for Termitology” or the Ulrike Crespos photography with a sub-Wasser camera or the “Sounds of Glenkeen”, which continues for a while on the kopflätschern.

If it bothers you, there is nothing wrong with publishing the attacking houses that respond. “Lebendig, sehr herzlich, gemeinschaftlich”, so it is Vivian Kämpf empfunden, curatorial assistance in the large Crespo Team. So let’s live. And because everything is free and cost-free. Besuch Besuch der Ausstellung en auch beim Life-Konzert mit Performances am Freitag, 29. November, at 7.30 PM.