
The beautiful and disruptive stories of love in the Gmünder Johanniskirche

The beautiful and disruptive stories of love in the Gmünder Johanniskirche

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The beautiful and disruptive stories of love in the Gmünder Johanniskirche
With minimalist images, the Ensemble “Lightbende” is a complex image of the Liebe. © Hartmut Hientzsch

The “Garden of Delight” is more like Freude’s Queen. The Ensemble „Lightbende“ sets Facetten von Liebe in Bilder und Musik um.

Swabian Gmünd. Die Liebe is a dashing Sache. If you must die, die in the long Schlange in front of the Gmünder Johanniskirche on a Platz on the “Garden of Delight”, the “Garten der Freude” hofften.

One of the best publications in the world is the first performance of zwei performances at the international Treasure Theater Festival.

Not worth any effort for the Dutch group “Lightbende” which offers a light-art concert “Liebe auf den Eersteen … en op de Zweiten Blick” en. Die Pünktchen verheißen nicht nur Gutes. Schließlich considers itself “Band of Light” on the High Song of Salomos.

A glorious king and a glorious word

The biblical king is for his glorious life experience. This is due to the poem “Garden of Love” by William Blake. Darin haben Priester sinstmals with Delights and süßen Wünschen bestückten Garten der Liebe with dorgengen Verboten überzogen.

These are the most common components of the Liebe package “Lightbende” in Szenen, in this minimalism the complexity of the themes die. The music is reduced on screen, while there is a tone or sound in the dialogue, the music is only a little effort, but there is a smooth tone or organ that sends out drama and music.

Kauderwelsch puts the Fokus in the Gefühlswelt

The Schuhpaare, zum Leben erweckt mittels Laterna Magica, gehen, hüpfen, this through a self-walking landscape, looks forward to more runde Leinwände. High Heels perform in Dialog zu Slippern – letztere een wenig lang, aber gut – und schweren Stiefeln – dit herrisch bis gewalttätig. Either two active companies are a subordinate, everything with a few treble or treble notes, fragent, hectic, harmonious in a certain atmosphere. In another country in an unknown Kauderwelsch, more braucht es nicht, damit das Publikum versteht: Here sich sich two böse an, de kurz zuvor eeninander nor sehr zugetan were.

With Laterna Magica and Projections on Leinwänen it will be in the Gmünder Johanniskirche by the Geschichte von der Liebe.
With Laterna Magica and Projections on Leinwänen it will be in the Gmünder Johanniskirche by the Geschichte von der Liebe. © Hartmut Hientzsch

With those protagonists in the nature of the Leinwänden – in the Fressfinde Lauern – or another modern Skyline – experience the Publikum Aspekte der Liebe von Unschuld über Ungeduld bis zu Verlockung, Neid, Verzweiflung and Bedauern.

The photos of Gitterstäbe, which as great Zwänge and Befindlichkeiten die Liebe einkerkern, the most schließlich of the entire Ensemble in Salomos “Lied der Lieder” nachempfundenen Stück auf. Music, which begins with a glockenspiel, pizzicato playing Geige and Cello and zart sangen Worten and in their finale Steigerung so gebetsmühlenartig who endringlich fordert, in sich self and other zu trauen. And in the Liebe.