
Papst Franziskus will be released in January, the first memoirs and amtierenden Pontifex

Papst Franziskus will be released in January, the first memoirs and amtierenden Pontifex

In January 2025, Franziskus became one of the most enthusiastic Pontifex autobiographical memoirs with the title „Hoffnung“ released.

The Verlag Random House can in the Mittwoch the beautiful weltweite Veröffentlichung der Memoiren an. Ursprünglich war after the publication of the publications, the memoirs nach dem Tod von Franziskus are veröffentlichen. If you are getting ready to get started, take a look at the holy years of the Hoffnung 2025 to veröffentlichen.

A holy year has been found in the Catholic Church from 25 years ago – the possession of the jewelry is a higher amount – and it has been a year since there has been a Gnade and Pilgerschaft for the Glaubians.

Die Memoiren, one of the Pontifex in March 2019, started on January 14, 2025 in more than 80 states.

“The book that is my life is a journey of the Hoffnung, a journey that is not the journey of my family, my Volkes, all the Volkes who can travel. On this page, as Abschnitt ist es auch das Buch derer, die mit mir reiss sind, derer, die vor mir kamen, derer, die nach mir kommen “, said Papst Franziskus in a press conference of Random House zitiert.

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“An autobiography is not a private story, without the package, but with our delays,” Pontifex continues. “And the Erinnerung is no more, but one of the following things was no longer possible. Sie spricht nicht nur über das, was gewesen ist, sondern auch über das, was sein wird. It’s no longer possible, but it’s tomorrow. Everything is born, it is a new Frühling zu erblühen. Ende became nur sagen: “I kan een nichts erinnern, in dem Du nicht da bist.”

The Ankündigung der Memoiren has been published, after the last Buch von Franziskus, „Life: My Story Through History“, in März that has been exposed for years. Darin painted Franziskus seine Erfahrungen with which historical Honors who the State Streich in Argentina 1976, their Konklave, that they were Papst wählte, and of the Corona-Krise.

The new book ‘Hoffnung’, so Random House, offers an interesting perspective on Pontifex and a ‘complete spark of enthusiasm and disinterested lights’, in his own life in the middle punk.

Die gemeinsam met Carlo Musso, dem Gründer des unabhängigen italienischen Verlags Libreria Pienogiorno, verfassten Memoires begin with de Geschichte von Franziskus’ Familie und de Auswanderung von Italien nach Lateinamerika. It became a childhood, a life as a survivor, a history of robbery and the combined Zeit seines Pontifikats bis in de Gegenwart beschrieben.

View and re-digit the original version from Catholic News Agency (CNA), a UK partner agency of CNA Deutsch.