
Tourism: Bettensteuer im Hotel – Vorstöße aus Nürnberg and Augsburg

Tourism: Bettensteuer im Hotel – Vorstöße aus Nürnberg and Augsburg

In der Diskussion is an overnight stay in Bayern kommen Vorstöße aus Nürnberg and Augsburg. Nürnberg’s Stadtkämmerer Thorsten Brehm (SPD) spoke about one of his goals Bettensteuer of Hotel guests will be there, a new Einnahmen in the damp Stadtkasse zu spülen. The CSU-Fraktion lehnt diesen Vorschlag alldings ab. Auch the Augsburger Tourismus-Chef Götz Beck wants a message from the «Augsburger Allgemeinen» a Solche Abgabe, a tourist infrastructure that is so strong.

In other cities in Germany the overnight stay is only longer. In Bavaria hat diese der Landtag aber verboten. Days later, the cities of Munich, Bamberg and Günzburg are suing before the Bayerischen Verfassungsgerichtshof.

There is no legal basis for an overnight stay, such as Brehm. Mit seinem Vorstoß in seiner Rede zur Einbringung des Stadthaushalts 2025 in September there will be a debate in the big city of Bayern. Demnach can make an investment in a beispielrechnung of 3.5 million euros per person and 17.5 million euros and bring an income, if a man has 5 euros per person and night. Meer Medien has received your message.

“Solange is the Gesetzesgrundlage that has not made any attempt to stop a Phantom debate,” criticism from the Nürnberger CSU-Fraktionsgeschäftsführer Michael Kraus. The CSU is the strongest faction in the city and has entered into a coalition with the SPD faction. Die Einführung einer Bettensteuer in Nuremberg – make sure the right people – it is necessary to enter the city.

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