
Statt Biohacking: 4 Alternative Longevity Factors

Statt Biohacking: 4 Alternative Longevity Factors

Manche Tipps, the optimized health and life demands tossing, can emphasize the tension. Vielleicht is one of the things that brings a long life. Here is four Vorschläge.

Der Longevity-Lifestyle erordert Disziplin. I would like to be young and fit as opposed to alternative and insane. When we saw that, the Longevity Influencer was: so strong on social media, the power is scarce, so we live. Schon gar nicht außergewöhnlich lang.

Isn’t it a bisschen?

Start practicing yoga and meditating or practicing yoga. It may not bother you. Aber die Ernährung? Hair loss and pathological orthorexia may occur as the disease progresses. Bloß keine verbotenen lebensmittel, dafür all kinds of health care supplements and Vitamin-Infusions, the sogenannten Drippings. Clearly, if you follow a good exercise program, a sports program – strength training and cardio – it is not possible to include the pool in Eistonne. A clear trail of all vital data and functions.

More, this profile is extreme. Bryan Johnson from the biohacker world in the US has launched his 100 supplements and has been losing broke plasma for over 17 years. As a hobby, or if you are busy with your husband, it is an alternative to make money with your own money, but it is not more than a million dollars in a year, if you have more time. Muss man was able to learn himself for the first time.

Gesundes Altern – where won’t this be?

When the time span began, it became another 100 years ago that it became possible to live and soften it. Was it 90 or more years since they were able to leave their beds 15 years ago? Before it all happens, there’s a good chance the Magic Hand will no longer be around. So it is a matter of living without sin and notoriously, avoidable consequences.

When the Longevity execution comes, so be it, if the best in your life nur noch aus soll/muss/darf/darf nicht. If the Frage, where the Freude bleibe is, probably no longer occurs, then you can use that disziplinied Lebensstil and the Arbeit an der Langlebigkeit Spaß mache. May signal. I don’t think this is the case. Mir fehlte der Genuss, die Leichtigkeit.

We look at the idea of ​​Liz Brody, an American-American journalist at Oprah Daily tub, so one. If you found a 72 year old friend, you will find “Langlebigkeit ist but no Wettkampf.” It is not possible for the Youth to be left behind. Had never started before, with 71 with the Eiskunstlauf to start. If you experience arthritis with the cello players, it is important for the patient to keep their hand in hand.

In the Wissenschaft, these Haltung inzwischen with “aging satisfaction” are described, also Alterungszufriedenheit oder Zufriedenheit mit dem Altern. Eine US-Kohortenstudie ergab, dass diese satisfaction with aging with a healthy lifestyle and a higher home in a different situation. Of the 13,752 study components that ended up in education with a high degree of certainty, 43 percent of them had star-shaped risks. Denn, so the schlussfolgert das Researchteam, People with dieser alterungszufriedenheit würden insgesamt a gesünderen Lebensstil follow – ​​körperlich who a psychosocial.

Auf die Zufriedenheit comes an

Die sin die 4 Lifespan FactorsIf you want to achieve the best results in terms of strength, you can improve your well-being and energy efficiency. If you are in the fall you will end up in the Blick.

Not with Gewalt erzwingen

The restrictive Essverhalten, the manche Longevity fans and the Tag-legen, prevents the Freude, who is bedeutet, with Freund: they are the essence of the mind. If you learned some glass of wine, then so be it. That is not the case, that is equal ist, was wir essen. A bischen view is good. Girls are sollte man zum Beispiel Fertiggericht, high quality Lebensmittel and Fast Food, die nachweislich dem Organismus harm. Gender is also in gesund. If you have a “cheat meal”, while you are neater, you know that the big Ganze is more positive if the little Schummelei has suffered damage.

The gold-plated gleiche for sports and activity. Movement is tough. Krafttraining does the natural muskelabau course and one of the best muskelabau courses for back and knee problems and sends the struts into the change. Moderate, without extremes Ausdauertraining starts with training people and works with a healthy antidepressant.

Trainiere Freundschaften wie Muskeln

A change in change is a problem, but the leader is only so much. A strong network of family and friends: they go to social fitness. Dieser Begriff descends from Dr. Robert Waldinger, Leader of Harvard Study of Adult Development, the long study of Glücksforschung, which has been discontinued since 1938. When you start looking for the question of alternatives, it is best to pay attention to your thing, the indefinite scaffolding. The most important points, the dates, glücklicher and gesünder zu alternation: good Beziehungen – in the Partnerschaft and der Familie, zu Freund:innen, Nachbar:innen, Kolleg:innen. Select the small contact in Alltag lagen dazu bei. The result is a matter of 56 percent of cases.

It’s banal, but it’s difficult: you can use an active activity, such as lifting and pfleging. When you’re Muskeln, you go through the training and the training, when you don’t feel like it anymore.

I think everything is not something itself

Viele Longevity-Punkte gives an idea that the Blick takes away its own reflection. If you are with all the Kraft paper on your own optimization of the economy, if the Extrem-Biohacker is on Bryan Johnson, it will be a long time before you can reach another company.

A Ehrenamt author is positive about the geistige Leistungsfähigkeit from, which is a meta-study of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and the digital Demenzregisters Bayern (digiDEM Bayern) erggeben. “Voluntary financing is a possible solution for reducing the three risk factors for social isolation, physical inactivity and depression,” said Anne Keefer, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin von digiDEM Bayern gegenüber dem Informationsdienst Wissenschaft. Other women, who are a higher person in the other world, make a profit.

It’s not like you’ll find it

Lifelong learning continues with good health. If you don’t want anything more, it is not that you make a choice yourself, a very flexible bleiben. Aber Vorsicht: Beim Kreuzworträtseln would be nur Handes Wissen abgerufen. Das Gehirn is not trained. New neuronal connections can arise when there are different images, when a new path is taken. Why not learn a new Sprache or an instrument? We come to know that it is a harbinger, a trauma in sin, that it is no longer possible. Is it clear that the time is right? If we want to do something different and breathe new life into it, it will take us a step further. If nothing else, it’s a matter of trying it out.
