
F&P has a strategic partnership with Solera with sustainable estimates

F&P has a strategic partnership with Solera with sustainable estimates

Jeder Versicherer in Denmark is responsible for the reporting of CO2 emissions after Scope 1, 2 and 3 in the combined vehicle damage process

LONDON, Oct. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Solera, der weltweit führende Anbieter von Fahrzeug-Lebenszyklusmanagement, hat heute bekanntgegeben, dass F, der dänische Fachverband für Versicherungsgesellschaften und Pensionsfonds, seine strategic partnersschaft with Solera durch die Integration seines Sustainable Estimations -Tools in the Autotaks Platform have been renewed.

In Denmark there are already more than 700,000 versions of the F Damage Management Platform available, which means that the integration of the Sustainable Estimations API in Denmark will change the Verfolgung and Ausgleich of the Kohlenstoffemissions, which will go through the various processes of the Lebensdauer Fahrzeugs entstehen – einschließlich Scope 3. Dieser Schritt sets a new standard in the country and in the world, it is 100% of the Kfz-Schäden ab and steht in Einklang with Dänemarks führendem Engagement for the Nachhaltigkeitsziele, until 2050 climate neutral zu signal.

Based on the EU guidelines on the Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung van Unternehmen (CSRD), many Länder von Unternehmen were required to disseminate and report their emissions until 2025. Sustainable estimates are the only specific solutions for Kfz versions, which are ermöglicht, Scope 1, 2 and 3 CO2 emissions that are analyzed, soft drinks are expanded and verified by the reinforced carbon emissions and presentations. The versions were used in the low part of Dashboards, one of the solutions necessary to perform analyzes and analyzes with country-specific data and branches of data on the comparisons.

“We have a great partnership with our partners and our branches will be able to integrate into our Autotaks Platform,” says Peder Herbo, Director of Autotaks at F. If you can no longer see the complete data of the old boats, you can delete the data as verified data, one of our useful features of your gewährleisten. There is a new standard for CO2 emissions from Kfz-Versicherungsschäden in the country and the industry that deals with CO2 emissions from emissions and its efficiency.”

One of the reusable brands of the Solera is the generated pampering of dating of history, a Fahrzeugschäden after an Unfall genau zu bewerten. During the car company platform, the affected parts cannot be identified and all foreign offers can be adjusted, such as z. B. and the Neupreisgestaltung, it was the Versicherern in the Land that had the biggest snarls. These factory settings are a kind of reibungslosen and effizienten Arbeitsablauf zischen Versicherern, Karosseriewerkstätten and Endkunden.

Franck Carpentier, International Channel Sales Operations Director at Solera, says: “There is a partnership with a partner with a market leader, who is committed to a more sustainable automotive industry. Denmark is one of the Spitze der Länder, which at the Messung und Verringerung van Kohlenstoffemissionen a Vorreiterrolle-spielen, and the Verständnis Seiner Rolle in the Forderungsprozess which is formed by a separate Bedeutung Sein. It is not the case that there is anything positive about the Umwelt Auswirken, while the Versicherern of Helfen results in the efficiency of the gesamten Schadenprocesses.

This strategic collaboration ensures that CO2 emissions are reported while repairs are being carried out more and more often. While the data from the global datensee in Denmark reaches and the one-sided position of the internal economies is increased, CO2 emissions will be neutralized in the future with the costs of CO2 emissions. We will happily integrate this technology into more internal features.”

Uber Solera

All you can do is offer software-as-a-service, dating and services for the Lebenszyklusmanagement of Fahrzeugen. With your personal belongings – Fahrzeugschäden, Fahrzeugleparaturen, Fahrzeuglösungen und Flottenlösungen – the only way you can buy brands in the cooling system of the Fahrzeuglebenszyklus, with Identifix, Audatex, DealerSocket, Omnitracs, LoJack, Spireon, eDriving/Mentor , Explore, cap hpi , Autodata and others . Once you know that the digital newspaper looks good, you will receive a “One-Stop-Shop” solution for the improvement of the design, rationalization of data, data analysis and improvement of knowledge. Solera has a global presence of 280,000 people and is a partner in more than 120 countries. More information can be found at

Uber F

F – Insurance Pension Denmark is the Dänische Fachverband für Versicherungsunternehmen and Pensionsfonds. We have 86 Versicherungsgesellschaften und Pensionsfonds, which are numerous on the Danish market.

The Dutch Insurance and Rent Industry plays an important role in the management of the welfare of the living environment, in addition to the social welfare aspects. We ensure the security of citizens and citizens in Denmark and ensure better stability and stability in the economy.

F Brancheløsninger P/S is a Tochtergesellschaft of F, the IT-Losungen für de Versicherungs- und Rentenbranche entwickelt en unterhält, Darunter Autotaks, das von alle Versicherungsunternehmen in Denmark is benefited. We have built this new platform for the products of our products and care for 30 years of strategic partnership with our customers.

Please contact:
Solera EMEA
(email protected)

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