
Chef of the Weißen Flotte nach Einsturz der Carolabrücke in Interview: “Dieses Jahr verraften wir”

Chef of the Weißen Flotte nach Einsturz der Carolabrücke in Interview: “Dieses Jahr verraften wir”

Dresden. Seit 2020 Steht Stefan Bloch an der Spitze der Weißen Flotte in Saxony. There may be some shy messages: the solution after the Insolvenz, Corona, Hochwasser, Niedrigwasser. In those years it was part of the Carolabrücke in the Elbe – and blocked the road. If you say that you feel like a “Krisenmanager”. Who is the Unternehmen-jetzt?

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Hochwasser zu Beginn des Jahres, dann Niedrigwasser, dann der Carolabrückeneinsturz en nogmal Hochwasser: Was the war for a destroyed Jahr, Herr Bloch?

It is a war that gives a good feeling for a year. Bis zu dem Moment des Einsturzes, zomindest. The high and low wash water is one of the most effective ways to be able to work – nur manchmal nicht met voller Auslastung. We have always been beautiful in the Rudern. We must manage everything new here, new settings.

Who is the Brückeneinsturz, so a big problem?

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The Anleger one, two, three, four and fun since Zentrale Anleger am Terrassenufer. Dort couldn’t work. The anleger assumes that he can no longer do it. We will regularly visit the bridge between 18 and 20 minutes. If you want to set up a bus shuttle, this is a cash prize. Konkret costs 750 euros per Tag. Mit den Bussen brings the guests zu diesen Anlegern.

That great Schiffe lies on the false page of the Brücke

Isn’t your problem under the Carolabrücke backlogs and the Streckenabschnitt for your Touren what is – or is the problem that your problem lies on the false page of the eingestürzten-brücke?

Tatsächlich both. Die großen Schiffe, namlich Dresden, Cosel, August der Starke and Leipzig, lie on the false page. Dort can no longer get to work, while most of the guests are enjoying themselves. There is a small Schiffe vom Oberland heruntergeholt. If you want to explore the city and the Schlösserfahrten. On the right page, on the bridge, it is no longer the case that the vapor becomes smaller, to the Beispiel Pirna and Wehlen. In Richtung Meissen there is no access to the Weinstraße, so it is clear.

Would you like to bypass the Schiffe über Land?

It is not a source of funding, it is undisturbed.

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Would you like to undertake the journey for your benefit and Brücken-Touren?

More Tourists will certainly not be the leader. Deshalb did it once first. It’s a good idea to think that you want to make a new bridge. It can produce a positive result.

First Hochwasser, then Niedrigwasser, then another Hochwasser: Ohne Carolabrücke goes to meistern that year for the white Flotte Herausforderungen.

First Hochwasser, then Niedrigwasser, then another Hochwasser: Ohne Carolabrücke goes to meistern that year for the white Flotte Herausforderungen.

In Zahlen ausgedrückt: Was the situation financial for the white Flotte?

Those Zahlen know it, so they can meet Montag. 40 Please note that few tourists come to visit us during their stay. We will continue to do so as soon as possible. An amount of 1.6 million euros has been authorized for Umsatzverlust. If you think you will meet other people during the Bus Shuttle. If it takes 20 minutes, all rights be damned when it comes to splitting. Weil de Ampeln aber immer noch richtig geschatet sind, braucht is longer, if there must be. Pro Monat pays for only those buses that cost more than 22,500 euros.

The fact is that it looks a bit like the white Flotte, Stichwort: Insolvenz. Did it suck?

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Dieses Jahr vercraften wir. Jedoch is proud of the fact that he is a victim of the damage suffered by the city of Dresden, and is completely black and clear and German. We will not be able to pass through the Einbusen. If it is not normal years later in the season you start, then it is likely that it is for Auswirkungen. We will be happy with your obligations quickly 200 months.

Wollen Sie hetrechtliche Schritte gehen?

Bislang is not planted.

The Weißen Flotte würde ein Loch zum Durchfahrenügen

Do you need to pass on your message?

De Stadt has a number of boats. If we never got into Anspruch mode, this is of course never a mangled hat. There must be a bus shuttle organizer, Fahrten and Werftpläne. It is possible that all the strength is brewed.

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If you have criticized the city, no one has bought into the agreement. What about the sworn-in problems?

Mittlerweile gets to work and will go on a successful road.

Was also courting Sie jetzt?

As you imagine, the only bridge that is now bare has been stripped away. Wenigstens in Loch, damn with effort, was good. When the blue wonders are cleaned up, they die. This is one of the most important, we will see Schiffe in the Werft sparrows. You may want to get to that other page. This is not the case: The Elbe is the official Bundeswasserstraße. That Sperrung through the Brücke, the trifft is no more. It is wise to use the Wasserschutzpolizei and the black Schifffahrt, also the Güterschifffahrt.

Was Soll in der Werft authorized?

Unsere Schiffe brauchen a new Zulassung every two years. Sechs Schiffe is nun dran. If the Zulassung fails, the Schiffe will no longer last. Dann could use some of the personal courtesy right now.

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“The Hoffnung stirbt jijetzt”

The woolen thread of the Motorschiff, August van Starke, has been completely modernized. And if you come in and rest, you will die during the year from January to the end of April. Damit das Schiff August in mei der started, müssen wir es eigentlich Mitte Dezember, späketens aber am 2. Januar in de Werft geben. The war described here has no intention of starting, but for all others the plan of action should be shown after it is indicated. The hats were sold in the Werft in October.

Statistics have now swept the Dampfer Krippen vorwick. The Schiff war issue hasn’t been planted yet, but stay on the right page.

Mittlerweile is second to Stück Brücke im Wasser. Who can watch Sie in the Zukunft?

If you want all the details to be perfect, you will be fine with the planning tasks. If it is true that it is a realistic and passive experience, then it is a matter of being passive for years. If you removed the plant in the year 2025, this is a normal year.

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The great fragmentation for one is danach dann: Was passion with the others both Brückenzügen? It is not clear that the city is not bright.

The Hoffnung stirbt jedenfalls jijetzt. We encourage you to enjoy Christmas celebrations with Light Festivals and a Christmas Garden. The woolen thread can last a few years while the standard one is used.