
Parteien – Parteitag in Halle: Die Linke versucht den Neustart – Politik

Parteien – Parteitag in Halle: Die Linke versucht den Neustart – Politik

Halle (dpa) – The link is one of the three German Bundesparteitags in Halle in Saxony-Anhalt, an Australian road from the Tiefen Krise. After a series of Wahlniedelagen had been discussed, the two Vorsitzenden Martin Schirdewan and Janine Wissler had a general debate, before the Samstag was a new standard. Favorite for the following pages is the publishing house of Ines Schwerdtner and the frühere Bundestagsabgeordnete Jan van Aken.

A Leitantrag entitled „Gegen den Strom“ places the Schwerpunkte on Umverteilung, soziale Sicherheit bei Rente, Gesundheit, Pflege, Löhne and Mieten. Take into account the paper of migration and asylum law, of climate protection and of diplomatic interests for Frieden.

Due to the struggle and struggle against anti-Semitism, the theme of the party and the struggle for the struggle has disappeared. Schwerdtner and van Aken warn in “Spiegel” about the destruction of Hamas. “We have never regretted the terror of Hamas in a terror war, but with the war camps it is not possible to improve my left position,” van Aken said.

Internal training is one of the themes that the Grundeinkommen is losing. It is worthwhile to include the powers of parliament and the mandates in parliament in the two legislative periods.

Three problems

“Die Linke ist zweifellos in einer gefährlichen, existenzbedrohenden Situation”, he is in the Entwurf des Leitantrags. That’s how we feel about the green:

– Before a year started with the Linken-Fraktionschefin Sahra Wagenknecht, the Gründung started its own parties. Vorangegangswar jahrelanger Streit with Wissler and Schirdewan and a Dauerdebate, about and who will blow up the Spaltung.

– Linke themes met Steuererhöhungen für Reiche, Abschaffung der Schuldenbremse, höhere Sozialleistungen or ehrgeizige Klimaziele have an öffentlich kaum Konjunktur. If you are in the discussion about a migration and a Kriegs war in Ukraine, with the Bundes Sahra Wagenknecht and the AfD successor at Wahlen hats.

– The link is violated at the Bundestagswahl 2021 und de Fünf-Prozent-Hürde en erlebt seitdem een ​​Wahlschlappe nach der others. Zuletzt lost both the Europawahl and the Landtagswahlen in Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg grimly. In Brandenburg, the first part of the German Einheit 1990 was taken from one of the oldest German parliaments.

Drei Lösungsansätze

– The parties can be a bit social in themes and people in all tag problems Hilfe versprechen. A piece of furniture could increase the cost of a home. In a few years you Wähler and your Wählerin will know what the Left is doing, he is in the Party.

– As a model for an inherited Wahlkampf gilded der Leipziger Kandidat Nam Duy Nguyen, with Helfern and Tausenden Haustüren chime and thus a direct mandate for the Saxon Landtag errang. Derselbe Ansatz soll bundesweit hemfen: Reason en zhören, was Wählerinnen und Wähler wirklich wollen. The parties look like they are populists, while their people will now develop.

– The power of the Left must be with the newer Mitgliedern, who have been beigetreten in the decaying Monaten. After the divorce of Vorsitzenden Wissler, they were over 10,000 as of October 2023. Allerdings were for her Scharen von Mitgliedern ausgetreten. Nach Parteiangaben gehören der Linken derzeit gut 52.600 Mitglieder an. At the end of 2022, there were 54,200 es noch gut.

Das Ziel: Fraktionsstärke in de Bundestag

Erklärtes Ziel der Linken ist, nach der nächsten Wahl wieder in Fraktionsstärke in de Bundestag een inzuziehen. Derzeit liegt sie Bundesweit in Umfragen bei nur three bis four Prozent. Mitregieren in de Bund is for the Linke in view of the possible Führungsduo Schwerdtner and Van Aken derzeit kein Thema. “It is possible to talk about the future with the Greens and the SPD,” Schwerdtner said about the “Spiegel”. If the Land was a man in its entirety, he could travel.

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